See a manifest of all data.


  1. Hymn to Minoan Solar Deity
  2. Epic of Gilgamesh (OBV)
  3. Gilgamesh, Enkidu, and the Netherworld
  4. Adapa and the South Wind
  5. Epic of Ziusudra
  6. Epic of Tukulti-Ninurta I
  7. Hammurabi Law Code
  8. Divine Comedy
  9. Alice in Wonderland
  10. Beowulf Epic
  11. Debate Between Sheep and Grain
  12. The Song of the Hoe
  13. The Aeneid
  14. Epic of Anzu
  15. Hippocratic Oath
  16. Ask and Embla
  17. Jain Kalachakra
  18. Kamui and Wagtail Genesis
  19. A Nax Genesis
  20. Islamic Genesis
  21. Areop-Enap, Two Snails, and the Worm
  22. Hine-nui-te-po and Maui
  23. Rangi and Papa
  24. Kumulipo Chant
  25. Au Co Genesis
  26. Sanamahi Genesis
  27. Yoruba Genesis
  28. Vainamoinen (Genesis)
  29. Tungusic Genesis
  30. Voluspa
  31. The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor
  32. Tawa and Spider Woman Genesis
  33. Legend of Dangun
  34. Raelian Genesis
  35. Legend of Pangu
  36. Dispute Between a Man and His Ba
  37. Daoyuan (Tao)
  38. Matsya Puranam Regenesis
  39. The Eloquent Peasant
  40. Xolas (Genesis)
  41. Gichi-manidoo Genesis
  42. The Odyssey
  43. Epic of Gilgamesh (SBV)
  44. Epic of Atrahasis
  45. Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld
  46. The Iliad
  47. Twelve Labors of Hercules
  48. Raven and Evil Sparrow
  49. Biblical Apocalypse
  50. Dayuni'si (Water Beetle) Genesis
  51. Esege Malan Genesis
  52. Toltec Genesis
  53. Viracocha Genesis
  54. Awonawilona Genesis
  55. Egyptian Memphis
  56. Egyptian Thebes
  57. Egyptian Hermopolis
  58. Kaang Genesis
  59. Zulu Genesis
  60. The Story of Sinuhe
  61. Aztec Five Suns
  62. Hesiod's Theogony
  63. Eridu Genesis
  64. Egyptian Heliopolis
  65. Kojiki Genesis
  66. Popol Vuh (Pupul Wuj)
  67. Enuma Elish
  68. Biblical Genesis


  1. ΑΕ 1358 / The Phaistos Disc
  2. K.3375 / Gilgamesh Tablet XI
  3. BM 78941: Atrahasis Tablet (bottom)
  4. B10673: Flood / Deluge Tablet
  5. The Great Inscription of King Tukulti-Ninurta I
  6. Stone Altar of Tukulti-Ninurta I
  7. Coffin Text No. 76
  8. Law Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon
  9. Add MS 46700
  10. Saturn Devouring His Son
  11. Cotton MS Vitellius A.XV (Nowell Codex)
  12. Shinpukuji-bon
  13. CBS 6894 / Inanna's Descent
  14. UET 6/1 8 / Inanna's Descent
  15. UET 6/1 9 / Inanna's Descent
  16. Ni 9685 / Inanna's Descent
  17. Ni 4034 / Inanna's Descent
  18. K 5419c / Enuma Elish
  19. CBS 12757 / Inanna's Descent
  20. N 2523 / Inanna's Descent
  21. BM 124571 / Ninurta Chasing Anzu
  22. Papyrus 114 / The Bankes Homer
  23. BM 80094 / Inanna's Descent
  24. BM 80054 (Clay Tablet)
  25. URB.GR.64: Byzantine Codex
  26. Old Kalevala
  27. GKS 2365 4º / Codex Regius
  28. N 2986 (Clay Tablet)
  29. BM 69737 / Inanna's Descent
  30. CBS 15162, N 953, & N 3200 (Clay Tablets)
  31. Ni 9776 / Inanna's Descent
  32. N 983 / Inanna's Descent
  33. Ni 2279 / Inanna's Descent
  34. UET 6/1 10 / Inanna's Descent
  35. BM 17427 / Inanna's Descent
  36. Ni 4187 / Inanna's Descent
  37. CBS 15212 (Clay Tablet)
  38. CBS 11064 & 11088 (Clay Tablets)
  39. 3N-T 211 / Inanna's Descent
  40. 3N-T 499 / Inanna's Descent
  41. Papyrus Berlin 10499
  42. CBS 12638, 12684, 12702, & 12572 (Clay Tablets)
  43. CBS 13908 (Clay Tablet)
  44. CBS 13932 / Inanna's Descent
  45. HS 1480, 1580, & 2505 (Clay Tablets)
  46. Papyrus Berlin 3022
  47. CBS 13902 (Clay Tablet)
  48. 3N-T 400 / Inanna's Descent
  49. Ni 368 / Inanna's Descent
  50. CBS 9800 (Clay Tablet)
  51. Ni 2762 & 9838 / Inanna's Descent
  52. YPM BC 018686
  53. Ni 4200 (Clay Tablet)
  54. BM 78943: Atrahasis Tablet (top)
  55. Pyramid of Pepi II
  56. Dead Sea Scrolls (4Q7 4Q Genᵍ Composition)
  57. Codex Ephraemi Rescriptus
  58. Firkovich B.19.A / Codex Leningradensis
  59. Codex Sinaiticus
  60. Codex Vaticanus
  61. Codex Amiatinus
  62. Vault Ayer MS 1515 / Popol Vuh: Empiezan las historias del origen de los indios de esta provincia de Guatemala
  63. Codex Alexandrinus


  1. "Phaistos Disk Text": Numerical Transcription by Marianna P. Ridderstad
  2. "Minoan Sun Hymn": English Translation of Phaistos Disk by Peter Z. Revesz
  3. "The Iliad": English Translation by Samuel Butler
  4. "Matsya Puranam, Ch. II": English Translation by 'Taluqdar of Oudh'
  5. "Gilgamesh (OBV)": Composite English Translation by Stephanie M. Dalley
  6. "Gilgamesh (SBV)": Composite English Translation by Stephanie M. Dalley
  7. "Beowulf": Old English Transcript of Nowell Codex
  8. "Eridu Genesis": English Translation by Thorkild Jacobsen
  9. ETCSL (Version D): Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Nether World
  10. ETCSL (Version C): Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Nether World
  11. ETCSL (Version B): Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Nether World
  12. ETCSL (Version A): Gilgamesh, Enkidu and the Nether World
  13. "Tukulti-Ninurta I A.0.78.1": Composition of Tukulti-Ninurta I Epic by Albert K. Grayson
  14. "The Great Inscription of Tukulti-Ninurta I": English Translation by Yigal Bloch
  15. ETCSL 1.7.4: The Flood Story
  16. Add MS 46700: Alice's Adventures Under Ground
  17. "The Story of Sinuhe": English Translation by Alan H. Gardiner
  18. "Tukulti-Ninurta I A.0.78.27": Artifact Translation of VA 08146 by Albert K. Grayson
  19. "Shabaka Stone": English Translation of Memphite Theology by Leonard H. Lesko
  20. "Coffin Text Spell No. 76 / Utterance 301": English Translation of Hermopolis Creation Myth by Leonard H. Lesko
  21. "Utterance 600": English Translation of Heliopolis Creation Myth by Leonard H. Lesko
  22. "Hammurabi's Code": Composite English Translation by Robert F. Harper
  23. Inferno by Dante: English Translation
  24. "Theogony of Hesiod": English Translation by Hugh G. Evelyn-White
  25. "Voluspo: The Wise-Woman's Prophecy": English Translation by Henry A. Bellows
  26. "Kojiki Genesis": English Translation by Donald Philippi
  27. ETCSL 5.3.2: The Debate Between Grain and Sheep
  28. ETCSL 5.5.4: The Song of the Hoe
  29. "Inanna's Descent, Ending": English Translation by Bendt Alster
  30. "Enuma Elish": English Translation by W.G. Lambert
  31. "The Odyssey": English Translation by Thomas E. Lawrence
  32. "Dispute Between a Man and His Ba": English Translation by Peter J. Allen
  33. "Virgil's Aeneid": English Translation by John Dryden
  34. "The Eloquent Peasant": English Translation by James P. Allen
  35. "The Oath": English Translation of Hippocratic Oath by William H. S. Jones
  36. "The Odyssey": English Translation by Samuel Butler
  37. "The Story of the Shipwrecked Sailor": English Translation by James P. Allen
  38. "Inanna's Descent": English Translation by Thorkild P. R. Jacobsen
  39. "The Story of Sinuhe": English Translation by James P. Allen
  40. "Inanna's Descent": English Translation by William R. Sladek
  41. "Standard Babylonian Gilgamesh Epic": Composite English Translation by Andrew R. George
  42. "The Iliad": English Translation by Alexander Pope
  43. "Inanna's Descent": Transliteration by William R. Sladek
  44. "Artifact YBC 4621": English Translation by Samuel Noah Kramer
  45. "CBS 9800 / Inanna's Descent": English Translation by Samuel N. Kramer
  46. "The Descent of Inanna": English Translation of Inanna's Descent by Samuel N. Kramer
  47. ETCSL 1.4.1: Inana's Descent to the Nether World
  48. "Atrahasis": Composite English Translation by Stephanie M. Dalley
  49. "Enuma Elish": English Translation by Leonard W. King
  50. "Utterances 571-574": English Translation of Pyramid Texts by Samuel A.B. Mercer
  51. "Utterances 575 and 600": English Translation of Pyramid Texts by Samuel A.B. Mercer
  52. "How the World was Made": Cherokee Creation Myth by James Mooney
  53. "Isaiah 1-3": Biblia Hebraica Kittel
  54. "Genesis 1-3": Ancient Hebrew Transcript of Biblical Genesis (BHS)
  55. "Genesis 1-3": English Translation of Biblical Genesis (DRB)
  56. "Genesis 1-3": American Standard Version
  57. "Popol Vuh": Partial Spanish Transcript by Adrián Recinos
  58. "Popol Vuh": Partial English Translation by Delia Goetz and Sylvanus G. Morley
  59. "The Iliad": English Translation by A.T. Murray
  60. "Genesis 1-3 / BSVC": Latin Transcript by Michaela Tvveedale
  61. "Genesis 1-3 / Z-NIV": English Translation by Kenneth L. Barker
  62. "Iliadis XXIV.120-804": Greek Transcript by David B. Monro
  63. "Iliadis I-XXIV / Homeri Opera": Greek Transcript by David B. Monro


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