Artifact overview
CBS 9800 is an artifact (Clay Tablet) related to the mythological story named 'Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld.' The artifact's condition is Just OK and it is currently located at University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology in Philadelphia, United States of America, catalogued as record number CBS 9800. The language of the text contained is Sumerian (Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform writing system). Its estimated date is 1900—1600 BCE, which is a range based on available data and scholarship. The mythology associated with this artifact includes the Sumerian belief system and related deities: Inanna.
About this artifact
Basic details
Type | Tablet Clay material |
Condition | Just OK |
Date created | 1900—1600 BCE |
Language | Sumerian |
Writing system | Sumero-Akkadian Cuneiform (script) |
Joined artifacts help | Ni 368 |
Location | Penn Museum University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology · Philadelphia, United States of America |
Digital access | CDLI No. P345344 Fully digitized |
Discovery | Nippur, Sumer Present-day Al-Qādisiyyah, Iraq |
Museum record data
Item specifications
Museum No. | CBS 9800 |
Mythological contents
Associated myths and deities
Myths | Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld |
Deities | Inanna |
Cuneiform Digitial Library Initiative data help_outline
Core CDLI data
CDLI record No. | P345344 |
Composite No. | Q000343 |
Period | Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) |
Provenience (origin) | Nippur, Iraq |
Primary publication | CDLI Literary 000343, ex. 030 |
Author/date | CDLI/2014ff. |
CBS 9800 is the lower half of a large four-column clay tablet artifact that contains a significant portion of "Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld" in Sumerian cuneiform.This artifact contains lines 3-57 (column I), 58-84, 89-113 (column II), 114-167 (column III), and 168-211 (column IV) of the myth.
CBS 9800 may have been renamed as CBS 02198 by the Penn Museum at some point in time, making it seem like CBS 9800 is a different artifact. This tablet was the basis of Samuel N. Kramer's subsequent translations of the myth. The upper half of the tablet is cataloged as Ni. 368 or Nippur 00368 (separately cataloged by Stephen Langdon and Edward Chiera). It is still housed at the Penn Museum.
The large tablet is broken down the middle and contains readable lines of text on the front and back sides (obverse and reverse). The reverse side is mostly destroyed.
Discovery and publication
CBS 9800 was discovered during the Nippur excavations in modern-day Iraq between 1899-1900. Several excavations took place jointly between the University of Pennsylvania and the Ottoman Museum in Turkey. [1] The artifacts sat in boxes at the Pennsylvania Museum until Edward Chiera (1885-1933)[2], a Sumerian scholar who did lots of work on artifacts related to "Inanna's Descent," started publishing pictures of the fragments.
Before passing away in 1933, Chiera was working on publishing his artifact discoveries at the University of Chicago's Oriental Institute. His work was posthumously published in 1934 in Sumerian Epics and Myths[3] In this publication were the first images of Ni 368 (plate number 50), one important part that connects to CBS 9800. Because Chiera only published sketches of the artifacts, it would take several years before other scholars would translate what they meant.
In 1937, Samuel Kramer published the first half of "Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld" and explained that "the present publication is made possible by the utilization of CBS 9800, the lower half of a large four-column tablet whose upper half (Ni. 368)... was first published by Langdon."[4] Kramer clarified that the CBS 9800 part of the tablet was too poorly preserved to be copied.
Importance for "Inanna's Descent"
In 1942, Samuel Kramer published a translation (and collation) of "Inanna's Descent," where the line numbers were carefully mapped out for this artifact.[5] This publication is referred to as PAPS 85 in citations, short for the Proceedings of the American Philosophical Society; however, the journal seems to have gone defunct in 2015.[6]
Kramer also published a revised translation of these artifacts in 1951 (in the Journal of Cuneiform Studies) as part of his many revisions to the myth's decipherment.[7] This 1951 version of "Inanna's Descent" would remain as the main version of the myth until William R. Sladek published a revised translation in 1974.
Extended artifact data for CBS 9800
See detailed information about this artifact from the entity that has access to it.
Location description
- Penn Museum Philadelphia, United States of Americaexpand_less
Full address: Penn Museum, 3260 South St., Philadelphia, PA, 19104, United States of America
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Record numbers
No. | Unknown |
Digitized record | CDLI No. P345344 |
Artifact access | By request |
Full artifact data
Museum No. | CBS 02198 |
Period | Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC) |
Material | Clay |
Genre | Literary |
Usable Lines | ca. 50 |
Language | Sumerian Cuneiform |
Provenience (Origin) | Nippur, Iraq |
Record notes
About these data
Retrieval date | Aug. 10, 2022 |
Copyright | Penn Museum |
See a rendering of the artifact in images, text, and other form factors. Where available, a translation is included.
Digital scan
Good news. This original artifact is digitized and available in the OMNIKA Library.
Partial Translation, Transliteration
Sumerian ⟶ English a
Line | Transliteration | Translation |
[1] | [an-gal]-ta [ki-gal-šè] gestug-ga-ni na-an-g[ub] | From [the great heaven] t[o the kig]allu, he (?) ga[ve] ear2 to him (her ?) |
[2] | an a[n-g]al-ta ki-gal-[šè] gestug-ga-ni na-an-g[ub] | Anu(?) from the great heaven to the kigallu, ga[ve] ear2 to him (her ?) |
[3] | dinanna [an-gal-ta ki-gal-šè] gestug-ga-ni na-an-g[ub] | Inanna [from the great heaven to the kigallu], ga[ve] ear2 to him |
[4] | nin-mu an mu-un-šub ki mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-eu11 3 | My Lady, the heaven she forsook, the earth she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[5] | dinanna an mu-un-šub ki mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-en11 | Inanna, the heaven she forsook, the earth she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[6] | nam-en mu-un-šub nam[n]in mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-en11 | The lord-ship she forsook, the [la]dy-ship she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
| ||
[7] | unugki-ga é-an-na mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-en1 | In Uruk, Eanna she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[8] | ZA.USLAN-UNUki 2 -a gi-gu15 -kina (!) mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-eu11 | In ZA.USLAN-UNUki,Giguna she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[9] | [uriki-ma é-dilmun-]na mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11 3 | [In Ur, Edilmun]na she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[10] | [adabaki] é-šar-ra mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-eu11 | [In Adab], Ešarra she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[11] | nibruki -[a dur-an-ki] mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-en11 | [In] Nippur, [Duranki] she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[12] | kišiki -a hur-sag-kalam-ma mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11 | In Kiš, Hursagkalamma she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[13] | a-ga-dèki -a 4 é-UL-maš (!) mu-un-šub kur-ra ba-e-a-e11 | In Agade, EULmaš she forsook, to the nether world she descended |
[14] | me-imin-bi zag-mu-ni-in-kešd | The seven rites she bound to her side |
[15] | me mu-un-kin-kin šu-ni-šè mu-un- 5 -gál | Again and again she sought out the rites (and) placed them in her hand |
[16] | me-DU 6 GIR-gub-ba i-im-DU 7 | The... rites................................................. |
[17] | túgšu-gur-ra men-edin-na sag-gá-na 8 mu-un-gál | The šugurra garment, the crown of the plain, she set upon her head |
[18] | ḫi-LI sag-ki-na šu-ba-ni-in-ti | Radiance (!) she placed upon her countenance |
[19] | gi-ninda-hun-gà-za-gin šu-mi-ni-in-du8 9 | The... measuring rod of lazuli she gripped in her hand |
| ||
[20] | na4za-gìn-tur-tur 1 gû-na ba-an-là 2 | Small lazuli stones she tied about her neck |
[21] | na4nunuz-tab-ba gaba-na ba-ni-in-si 3 | Sparkling (?) 4 erimtu-stones she fastened to her breast |
[22] | HUR-guškin šu-na ba-ni-[in]-du8 5 | A gold ring she gripped in her hand |
[23] | tu-di-tum lú-gà-nu-gà-nu ba-an-BU 6 | A breastplate (?) 7 ................. she .... ed |
[24] | túg-nam-nin-a 8 -túg-nam-nin-a 9 bar-ra-na 10 ba-an-? 11 | Garments of lady-ship she ... ed about her body |
[25] | gi(?)-e-?12 -ḫe-im-DU ḫe-im-DU igi-na 13 ba-ni-in 14 -gar 15 | ............................ she placed in her eyes |
[26] | dinanna ku[r-š]è i-im-DU | Inanna went [tow]ards the nether wor[ld] |
[27] | sukkal-a-ni-dga-ša-an-[šubur] . . . ,-na i-im-DU 16 | Her messenger Nin[šubur] walked(?) at her. . . . |
[28] | kug-dinanna-[ke4] dga-ša-an-šubur-ra 17 gù-mu-na-dé-e | The pure Inanna to Nin-Šubur says : |
[29] | [g]i-en-gi-en-mu 18 | "Oh my ever confirmer |
| ||
[30] | sukkal-e-ne-èm-šag6-sag6-ga-mu | My messenger of favorable words |
[31] | [r]a-gaba-e-ne-ém-gi-en-gi-en 1 -na-mu My carrier of true words | My carrier of true words |
[32] | u4-da kur-šè mu-un-en-dè-en 2 | On the day when I shall descend to the nether world |
[33] | ... kur-šè gin-na-mu-dè 3 | To the... of (?) the nether world, upon my going 4 |
[34] | [uru (?)] dul-dul-da 5 gar-gar-ma-ni-ib6 | [The cities (?)] turn to ruins for me 7 |
[35] | ... gû-en-na tuku-a-ma-ni-ib 7 | ... in the guen take (?) for me9 |
[36] | [é(?)]-dingir-ri-[e-ne-k]e4 (?) PA.GIS-ma-ni-ib 10 | At (?) the house of the gods.. . for me 11 |
[37] | [?-ne-zu] ár-ma-ab KA-zu ár-ma-ab | Thy. . ., ... for me; thy mouth (?), ... for me |
[38] | ?-mu-lu-da U(?)-DI-SU-gal-zu HUR-ma-ab | thy great... smell (?) for me |
[39] | mu-lu-nu-tuku-gim tûg-aš-a mu4-ma-ab | Like a pauper in a single garment dress for me |
[40] | [é]-kur-ri-é-dmu-ul-lil-là-šè me-ri-zu aša(?) tum (?) 12 -mu-un | To the [E]kur, the house of Mullil bring (?) alone (?) thy foot |
[41] | [é]-kur-ri-é-dmu-ul-lil-lá-šè tu-tu-da-zu-dè | The [E]kur, the house of Mullil, upon thy entering |
[42] | [igi]-kug-dmu-ul-lil-là-šè ir šéš-àm | [Before] the pure Mullil weep : |
| ||
[43] | a-ad mu-ul-lil tu-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an[gam]-e | 'Oh Father Mullil, thy daughter let no one in the nether world [ravish] |
[44] | kug-šag5-ga-zu sahar-kur-ra-ka nam-ba-an-da-šàr-ri' | Thy good metal let him not carry off with him into the dust of the nether world |
[45] | za-gìn-šag5-ga-zu za-?-ma-ka nam-ba-an-da-si-il-[li(?)] 2 | Thy good lazuli let him not remove with him into the ...... |
[46] | gišKU-zu giš-nam-nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-da-an-dar-dar-e 3 | Thy URkarinnu-wood(?) let him not tear away(?) with him into the ...... |
[47] | ki(?)-sikil(?)-dga-ša-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e 4 | The virgin(?), the Lady of Heaven, let him not in the nether world ravish ' |
[48] | u4-da dmu-ul-lil e-ne-èm-ba nu5-ri-gub ur[iki-]-šè gin-na 6 | If Mullil does not stand by thee in this matter, go to Ur |
[49] | uriki-ma é-nam-dùg-kalam (?)-ma(?) 7-ka | In Ur, the house of the welfare of the land(?) |
[50] | é-kiš-šir5-gàl-é(?)-dnanna-šè tu-tu-da-[zu]-dè | The Ekišširgal, the house of Nanna, upon [thy] entering |
[51] | [igi]-kug-dnanna-šè ir-šéš-àm | [Before] the pure Nanna weep : |
[52] | a-a-dnanna tu-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-[e] | 'Oh Father Nanna, thy daughter let no one in the nether world ravish |
[53] | [kug]-šag5-ga-zu sahar-kur-ra-ka nam-ba-an-da-šàr-ri | Thy good [metal] let him not carry off with him into the dust of the nether world |
[54] | [za]-gìn-šag5-ga-zu za-?-ma-ka nam-ba-an-da-si-il-li(?) | Thy good [la]zuli let him not remove with him into the ...... |
[55] | [gišKU-zu] giš-nam-nagar-[ra-ka] nam-ba-da-an-dar-dar-e | [Thy URkarinnu-wood(?)] let him not tearaway (?) with him into the ...... |
[56] | [ki(?)-sikil(?)-dg]a-š[a-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-]da-an-gam-e | [The virgin(?)], the La[dy of Heaven, let him not in the nether world] ravish' |
| ||
[57] | [u4-da dnan]na e-[ne-èm-ba nu-ri-gub u]ru-si-ibki-šè(?) gin-na 1 | If Nanna does not stand by thee in this matter], go to Urusib |
[58] | uru-si-ibki é-d[am-an-ki-ga-šè tu-tu-da-zu-dè] | In Urusib, the house of [Amanki, upon thy entering] |
[59] | [igi-kug-d]am-an-ki(!)-ga(!)-še i[r-šéš-àm] | [Before the pure] Amanki [weep] : |
[60] | [a-a]-dam-an-ki tu-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra [nam-ba-da-an-gam-e] | '[Oh Father] Amanki, thy daughter [let no one] in the nether world [ravish] |
[61] | kug-šag5-ga-zu sahar-kur-ra-ka nam-ba-an-da[šar-ri] | Thy good metal let him not [carry ofl] with him into the dust of the nether world |
[62] | na4za-gìn-sag5-ga-zu za-?-ma-ka nam-ba-an-da-[si-il-li(?)] | Thy good lazuli let him not [remove] with him into the ...... |
[63] | gišKU-zu giš(!)-nam(!)-nagar-ra(!)-ka nam-ba-da-an-dar-[dar-e] | Thy URkarinnu-wood(?) let him not [te]ar away(?)with him into the ...... |
[64] | ki(?)-[sik]il(?)-dga-sa-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e | The vir[gi]n(?), the Lady of Heaven, let him not in the nether world ravish' " |
[65] | a-a-[dam]-an-ki-ù-mu-un-mu-uš-túg(!)-da(!)-ma-al-la-k[e4](?) " | Father Amanki, lord of wisdom 2 |
[66] | ú-[nam-t]i-la mu-un-zu a-nam-ti-la mu-un-[zu] | The food of life he knows, the water of life he knows |
[67] | e-ne ma-ra hu-mu-un-ti-li-en | He(?), for me, may he make thee(?) to live " |
[68] | dinanna kur-šè i-im-DU | Inanna went towards the nether world |
[69] | sukkal-a-nidga-ša-an-šubur-ra gù-mu-un-na-d[é-e] | To her messenger Ninšubur she sa[ys] : |
[70] | gin-na dga-ša-an-šubur-ra " | Go Gašanšubur |
[71] | e-ne-a-ra dug4-mu-un gú-zu la-ba-pàd | Unto him(?) speak(?) thy ... has not been(?)...ed " |
[72] | dinanna é-gal-kur-za-gin-šè um-ma-te | Inanna approached the lazuli palace of the nether world |
| ||
[73] | giš ig-kur-ra-ka nig-hul ba-an-g[ál] | On the door of the nether world she se[t up] something evil |
[74] | giš(?) ig-kur-ra-ka gù-hul ba-an-d[é] | At the door (?) of the nether world she utt[ered] an evil cry |
[75] | é-gál-ú ' i-du8 é-gál-ú | " Open the house, gatekeeper, open the house |
[76] | é-gál-ú dNE-ti é-gál-ú aš(!)-mu-šè ga-tu 2 | Open the house, NEti, open the house, alone I would enter 5 |
[77] | dNE-ti-l-du8-gal-kur-ra-ke4 | NEti, the chief gatekeeper of the nether world |
[78] | kug-dinanna-ra mu-un 4 -na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 | To the pure Inanna answers : |
[79] | a-ba-me-en za-e | " Who, pray, art thou ? " |
[80] | me-e dga-ša-an 5 -na-ki-dutu-è-a-és 6 | " I am the Lady of Heaven, dwelling(?) at the place where the sun rises |
[81] | tukum-bi za-e dinanna7 ki-dutu-è-a-[éš] 6 | " If thou art Inanna, [dwelling(?)] in the place where the |
[82] | a-na-àm 8 ba-du-un kur-nu-gi4-šè | Why hast thou come to the land of no return? |
[83] | har-ra-an-lú-9 du-bi-nu-gi4-gi4-dè šá-zu a-gim tum-mu-un | On the road (which) he who travels it does not return, how hath thy heart led thee? " |
[84] | kug-dinanna-ke4 mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 | The pure Inanna answers him : |
[85] | SAL+KU-gal-mu-dga-ša-an-ki-gal-la(?) | " My older (?) sister Gašankigal |
| ||
[86] | mu-dam-a-ni-ù-mu-un-gu4-gal-an-na ba-an-ug5-ga | Because(?) her husband, the lord Gugalanna, had been killed |
[87] | ki-sl-ga-na i-bi du8-ù-dè | To witness his funeral rites |
[88] | kàs(?)-sè-ga-na gu-ul-[dè(?) b]a(?)-ni-in-dug4(!) hur-šè he-a | To mult[iply(?)] ...... she commanded ; so be it " |
[89] | dNE-ti i-du8-gal-kur-ra-ke4 | NEti, the chief gatekeeper of the nether world |
[90] | kug-dinanna-ra(!) mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 | To the pure Inanna answers : |
[91] | ?-?-ma-? dinanna nin-[mu(?)-r]a(?) ga-an-na-a[b-d]ug4 | " ......, Oh Inanna, t[o(?) my] lady let me speak |
[92] | nin-mu dereš-ki-gal-la-ra ga-an-na-dug4 ga-an-na-ab-dug4 | To my lady, Ereškigal, let me speak, let me speak |
[93] | dNE-ti-i-du8-gal-kur-ra-ke5 | NEti, the chief gatekeeper of the nether world |
[94] | nin-a-ni-dereš-ki-gal-la-ra é-[kur-za-gin-šè ba]-ši-in-tu gù-mu-na-dé 1 | To his lady, Ereškigal, [in the lazuli] palace of [the nether world entered (and) says : |
[95] | nin-mu ki-sikil-diš-àm 2 | " My lady, a virgin |
[96] | ........................................................ | ........................................................ |
[97] | ........................................................ | ........................................................ |
[98] | ........................................................ | ........................................................ |
[99] | é-an-na-ka | In Eanna ......................................... |
[100] | me-imin-[bi] zag-mu-[ni-in-kešd] | The seven rites [she bound] to her side |
[101] | me mu-un-kin-kin šu-n[i-šè mu-un-gál] | Again and again she sought out the rites (and) [placed them in h]er hand |
[102] | me-DU GIR-gub ba [i-im-DU] | The...rites..........................[..........] |
| ||
[103] | tùgšu-gur-ra men-edin-n[a sag-gá-na mu-un-gál] | The šugurra garment, the crown of the pla[in, she set upon her head] |
[104] | hi-LI sag-ki-na šu-ba-n[i-in-ti] | Radiance(?) she plafced] upon her countenance |
[105] | gi-ninda-hun-gá-za-gîn šu-[mi-ni-in-du8] | The... measuring rod of lazuli she [gripped] in her and |
[106] | na4za-gin-tur-tur gu-[na ba-an-lá] | Small lazuli stones [she tied about her] neck |
[107] | na4nunuz-tab-ba gaba-na [ba-ni-in-si] | Sparkling(?) 1 mmte-stones [she fastened] to her breast |
[108] | HUR-guškin šu-na [ba-ni-in-du8] | A gold ring she [gripped] in her hand |
[109] | tu-di-tum lú-gá-nu-gá-nu [ba-an-BU] | A breast-plate(?) 2 [she.... ed] |
[110] | [gi(?)]-e-?-[he-im-DU-he-im-DU igi-na ba-ni-in-gar] | [.....].....[........... she placed in her eyes] |
[111] | túg-nam-nin-[a-túg-nani-nin-a bar-ra-na ba-an-?] | Garment[s] of lady-ship [she.. .ed about her body] " |
[112] | u4-ba(?) dereš-ki-gal-la-ke4 | Then(?) Ereškigal |
[113] | dNH-ti-i-du8-gal-ni-ir [mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4] | To NEti, her chief gatekeeper, [she answers] : |
[114] | gá-nu dNE-ti i-du8-[gal-kur-ra] | " Come, NEti, [chief] gatekeeper of [the nether world] |
[115] | ....................................................................................... | ....................................................................................... |
[116] | ká-gal-kur-ra-imin-bi si5[si-gar-bi gál-ú] | Of the seven gátes of the nether world, [open their locks] |
[117] | ká-gal-ganzir-igi-[kur-ra ka-as-bi bar-ra] | ' Of the gáte gan^ir, the face(?) of [the nether world, define its rules] |
[118] | ká(?)-gal(?) tu-tu-da-[ni-ta] | [Upon her] entering the gate |
[119] | gam-gam-ma-ni ni(?)-ta(?) | ....................................................................................... |
| ||
[120] | dNE-ti-i[-du8-gal]-kur-r[a-ke4] | NEti, [the chief gatekeeper] of the nether world |
[121] | inim-nin-a-na-sé sag-KÉS-ba-si-[in-ag]1 | Hono[red] the word of his lady |
[122] | ká-gal-kur-ra-imin-bi gišsi-gar-bi [in-gál] | Of the seven gâtes of the nether world, their locks [he opcned] |
[123] | ká-gal-ganzir-igi-kur-ra ka-aš-bi [in-bar] | Of the gate ganzir, the face(?) of the nether world, [he issued] its decree |
[124] | kug-dinanna-ra gù-mu-na-d[é-e] | To the pure Inanna he sa[ys] : |
[125] | gá-nu dinanna tu-um-[ma-ni]2 | " Corne, Inanna, ent[er]"3 |
[126] | ........4 tu-tu-da-ni-ta | Upon her entering the first gâte |
[127] | tug su-gur-ra men-edin-n[a]-sag-gà-n[a lu ba-da-an-si-ir] | The sugurra garment, the " crown of the plain " of her head, [someone removed] |
[128] | ta-àm me.........-a | " Why...........?" |
[129] | diri dinanna me-kur-ra-ke4(!) su-a[l-du7-du7] | " Extraordinarily, Oh Inanna, have the rites of the nether world been pe[rfected] |
[130] | dinanna garza-kur-ra KA-zu na-a[n-....-e(?)-en] | Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether world, thy mouth(?) let not [.......]" |
[131] | ká-gal-min-kam-ma tu-tu-da-[ni-ta] | [Upon her] entering the second gâte |
[132] | gi-ninda-hun-gà-[za-gïn] lu ba-da-[an-si-ir]6 | The. . .measuring rod of [lazuli] someone rem[oved]7 |
| ||
[133] | ta-àm me . . . . . . . . . -a | " Why. . . . . . . . . . .?" |
[134] | diri dinanna me-kur-ra-ke4(!) su-al-[du7-du7] | " Extraordinarily, Oh Inanna, have the rites of the nether world been perf[ected] |
[135] | dinanna garza-kur-ra KA-zu na-an- [. . . .-e(?)-en] | Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether-world, thy mouth(?) let not [. . . . . . .] " |
[136] | kd-gal-es-kam-ma tu-tu-da-ni-ta | Upon her entering the third gâte |
[137] | [na4za-gln-tur-tur-]gû-na lu [ba-da-an-si-ir]1 | [The small lazuli stones ot] her neck some one [removed]2 |
[138] | ta-àm me . . . . . . . . . -a | " Why . . . . . . . . . . . ?" |
[139] | diri dinanna me-kur-ra-ke4 su-al-[du7-du7] | " Extraordinarily, Oh Inanna, have the rites of the nether world been perf[ected] |
[140] | dinanna garza kur-ra KA-zu na-an- [. . . .-e(?)-en] | Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether world, thy mouth(?) let not [ . . . . . . . ]" |
[141] | ká-gal-lim[mu-kam]-ma tu-tu-da-ni-ta 3 | Upon her entering the fou[rt]h gâte |
[142] | [na4nunuz-tab-ba-gaba-na lu ba-da-an-si-ir] | [The sparkling(?) 4 erimtu-stones of her breast someone removed] |
[143] | [ta-àm] me . . . . . . . . . -a | " [Why] . . . . . . . . . . . ?" |
[144] | [diri dinanna me-kur]-ra-ke4 su-[al-du7-] | " [Extraordinarily,] Oh Inanna, have the rites of the nether w]orld be[en perf]ected |
[145] | [dinanna garza-kur-ra] KA-[zu na-an-]. . . .-e(?)-en | [Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether world], thy [mouth(?) let not] |
[146] | [kà-gal-ia-kam-ma] tu-tu-da-ni-ta | Upon her entering [the fifth gâte] |
[147] | [HUR-guskin-su-na] lu ba-an-si-ir | [The gold ring of her hand] someone removed |
| ||
[148] | [ta-àm] me . . . . . . . . . [ a] | "[Why] . . . . . . . . . . .[•••i]" |
[149] | [diri dinanna me-kur-ra-ke4 su-al-]du7-du7 | " [Extraordinarily, Oh Inanna, have the rites of the nether world been] perfected |
[150] | [dinanna garza-kur-ra KA-zu-na-an-. .. .-e(?)]-en | [Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether world, thy mouth(?) let not . . . . . . . ] " |
[151] | ká-gal-às-kam-ma [tu-tu-da-ni-ta] | [Upon her entering] the sixth gâte |
[152] | [tu-di-tum lu-gà-nu-gà-nu lu ba-da-an-si-ir] | [The breast plate(?) 1 . . . . . . . . . . . . someone removed] |
[153] | ta-dm me. . . . . . . . . [-a] | "Why . . . . . . . . . [....?]" |
[154] | [diri dinanna me-kur-ra-ke4 su-al-du7-du7] | " [Extraordinarily, Oh Inanna, have the rites of perfected] |
[155] | [dinanna garza-kur-ra KA-zu na-an-,.. ,-e(?)-en} | [Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether world, thy mouth(?) let not ....... "] |
[156] | ká-[gal-imin-kam-ma tu-tu-da-ni-ta] | [Upon her entering the seventh] gâte |
[157] | [tug-nam-nin-a-tûg-nam-nin-a-bar-ra-na lu ba-da-an-si-ir] | [The garments of lady-ship of her body someone removed] |
[158] | ta-àm me.........[-a] | "Why..........[....?]" |
[159] | [diri dinanna me-kur-ra-ke4 su-al-du7-du7] | " [Extraordinarily, Oh Inanna, have the rites of the nether world been per- fected] |
[160] | [dinanna garza-kur-ra KA-zu na-an-... ,-e(?)-en] | [Oh Inanna, the rites of the nether world, thy mouth (?) let not ] " |
[161] | ............................-ni-in-.....2 | |
[162] | .....A....................IN NE..... 3 | ........................................ |
[163] | ........................................ | ........................................ |
| ||
[164] | ........NE ....... igi(?)-na(?) ....-àm | ........................................ |
[165] | ...............................-ga(?)-àm | ........................................ |
[166] | ..........igi(?)-ni(?)-sè kug(?)-dinanna(?) | .........before(?) her(?) pure(?) Inanna(?) |
[167] | ..........gišak-ta lu ba-da-an-là | ..........with nails someone fastened |
[168] | u4(?)-da(?) dinanna(?)-?-? um-ta-ni-?-? | On the day(?) when(r) Inanna . . . . . . . was . . . .ed |
[169] | sukkal-a-ni dnin-subur-ra(?)-ke4(?) | Her messenger, Ninsubur |
[170] | sukkal-e-ne-èm-sag6-sag5-ga-ni | Her messenger of favorable words |
[171] | [ra-gaba]-e-ne-èm-gi-en-gi-na-ni | Her [carrier] of true words |
[172] | [uru(?)-dul]-dul-da mu-un-n[a]-gd-gà | Turned [the cities(?)] to [ru]ins for he[r] |
[173] | . . .gû-en-na mu-un-na-tuku-a | Took(?). . . in the guen for her |
[174] | é(?)-dingir-ri-e-ne-ke4(?) mu-unl[na]-PA. GIS | . . . . . ed at(?) the house of the gods for [her] |
[175] | ?-NE-ni mu-un-na-ár KA-ni [mu-]n-na-àr | . . . . . ed his. . . for her, . . .ed his mouth(?) for her |
[176] | ?-lû-da U(?)-DI-SU-gal-ni mu-u[n-n]a-HUR | Smelled(?) his great ... for [h]er |
[177] | mu-lu-nu-tuku-gim tug-as-a [im-ma]-na-mu4 | [Dr]essed like a pauper in a single dress for her |
[178] | [é-kur-r]i é-den-lil-la-sè gir-ni [asa(?) mu-]un-t[um] | [To the Ekur], the house of Enlil, [alone(?), he brought(?)] his foot. |
[179] | [è-kur-r]i é-den-lil-la-sè tu(?)-tu(?)-da(?)-ni(?)-ta(?) | Upon(?) his(?) entering(?) [the Ekur], the house of Enlil |
[180] | [igi-kug-den-lil-lá]-sè ir im-ma-[se8]se8 | [Before the pure Enlil] he weeps : |
[181] | [a-a-dmu-ul-lil tu]-mu-zu mu-lu [kur-ra nam-ba-da-a]n-gam-e | [Oh Eather Mullil], thy [dau]ghter [let no] one [in the nether world ravish |
[182] | [kug-sag5-ga-zu sahar-kur-ra-ka nam-ba-an-da-]sàr-e | [Thy good métal let him not car]ry ofF [with him into the dust of the nether world] |
[183] | [za-gin-sag5-ga-zu za-?-ma-ka nam-ba-an-da-si-il-]li(?) | [Thy good lazuli let him not remove with him into the ......... ] |
[184] | [giš:KU-zu giš-nam-nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-da-]an-dar-dar-ri | [Thy URkarinnti-wood (?) let him not] tear away (?) [with him into the .........] |
[185] | [ki(?)-sikil(?)-dga-sa-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-Jgam-e | [The virgin(?), the Lady ofHeaven, let him not in the nether world ra]vish |
[186] | [a-a-den-li 1-li dnin-subur-ra mu-un-na]-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 | [Father Enlil unto Ninsubur a]nswers : |
[187] | | "...................... he(?) has commanded concerning it |
[188] | [dinanna AN] | [Inanna] .......................he(?) has commanded concerning it |
[189] | [me-kur-ra al-] | [The rites ofthe nether world].......................he(?) has commanded concerning it |
[190] | [id(?)-a-an-ki-bi]....................... -ni(?)-ib-dug4 | [The river(?), the water(?) of heaven(?) and(?) earth(?)]...... he(?) has commanded concerning it " |
[191] | [a-a-den-lil e-ne-èm-ba nu-na-gub uriki-sè ba-]du-un | [Father Enlil did not stand by him in this matter; to Ur he w]ent |
[192] | [uriki-ma é-nam-dùg]-kur-ra-ka (!) | [In Ur, the house of the welfare] ofthe land |
[193] | [e-kis-sir5-gál e(?)-dnanna-sè tu-tu-da-ni]-ta | [The Ekissirgal, the house of Nanna upon [his entering] |
[194] | [igi-kug-dnanna-sè ir im-ma-se8-se8] | [Before the pure Nanna he weeps :] |
[195] | [a-a-dnanna tu-mu-zu mu-lu] kur-ra nam-[ba-da-an-gam-e] | " [Oh Father Nanna, thy daughter] let no [one] in the nether world [ravish] |
[196] | [kug-sag5-ga-zu sahar-kur-ra-]ka nam-ba-a[n(?)-da-sàr-ri] | [Thy good métal] let him not [carry off with him] into [the dust of the nether world] |
[197] | [za-gin-sag5-ga-zu za- ?-ma(!)-ka nam-ba-[an-da-si-il-li(?)] | [Thy good lazuli] let him not [remove with him] into the [.......] |
[198] | [gišKU-zu giš-nam-nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-]da- [an-dar-dar-e] | [Thy URkarinnti-wood (?) let him not tear away(?)] with him [into the.......] |
[199] | [ki(?)-sikil(?)-dga-sa-an-na kur-ra] nam-ba-da(!)-an-gam-e | The virgin(?), the Lady of Heaven, let him not [in the nether world] ravish " |
[200] | a-a-d[nanna dnin-šubur-ra mu-un-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4] | Father [Nanna unto Ninsubur answers] : |
[201] |!)-in-dug4 | "..........................he(?) has commanded concerning it |
[202] | dinanna AN..........................[bi-in-dug4] | Inanna ..........................[he(?) has commanded concerning it] |
[203] | me-kur-ra al-..........................[bi-in-dug4] | The rites of the nether world [he(?) has commanded concerning it] |
[204] | id(?)-a-an-ki-bi..........................[-ni(?)-ib-dug4] | The river(?), the water(?) of heaven(?) and(?) earth(?) [he has com manded concerning it] " |
[205] | a-a-dnanna [e-ne-èm-ba nu-na-gub uru-si-ibki-sè ba-du-un] | Father Nanna [did not stand by him in this matter; to Eridu he went] |
[206] | uru-si-ibki é-den(!)-ki(!)-ga-sè(!) [tu-tu]-da-ni-ta | In Urusib, upon his [entering] the house of Enki |
[207] | igi(!)-den-ki-ga-sè [ir im]-ma-se8(!)-se8(!) 1 | Before Enki he [we]eps : |
[208] | [a-a-dam-an-ki tu-mu-zu mu-lu kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e] | [" Oh Father Amanki, thy daughter let no one in the nether world ravish] |
[209] | [kug-sag5-ga-zu sahar-kur-ra-ka nam-ba-an-da-sár-ri] | [Thy good métal let him not carry off with him into the dust of the nether world] |
[210] | [za-gin-sag5-ga-zu za-r-ma-ka nam-ba-an-da-si-il-li(?)] | [Thy good lazuli let him not remove with him into the.......] |
[211] | [gišKU-zu giš-nam-nagar-ra-ka nam-ba-da-an-dar-dar-e] | [Thy URkarinnu-woodQ) let him not tear away(?) with him into the.....] |
[212] | [ki(?)-sikil(?)-dga-sa-an-na kur-ra nam-ba-da-an-gam-e] | [The virgin(?), the Lady of Heaven, let him not in the nether world ravish"] |
(Break of unknown number of lines) | ||
[X1] | ..........giškak-ta.......... ....................2 | ..........with nails.................... |
| ||
[X2] | [k]ug-deres-ki-gal-la-ke4 GIS(?)[i4(?)-gi4(?)] | The [p]ure Ereskigal..................unto her(?) answers : |
[X3] | uzu-ág-PA(?)-me àg-?-?...................... | " Flesh(?)..........................." |
[X4] | uzu-NIG. . . -a ag-hûl(?)-la(?) ..... sl(?)-?-? in-na.............. | On(?) flesh......... joy(?)........................... |
[X5] | uzu-NIG...... -a ni-me-làm-?-? 1 | On(?) flesh......... the fearfulness of the melammê(?)......... |
[X6] | DIS û-nam-ti-la DIS a-nam-ti-la ugu(?)-[na(?) b]i(?)-in-sub(?)-bu-us(') | . . . .The food of life, .... the water of life, they sprinkled upon(?) [her(?)] |
[X7] | dinanna........ ba-DU | Inanna........ went(?) |
[X8] | dinanna k[ur-t]a ba-en-dè | Inanna from(?) the nether world(?) ascends |
[X9] | da-nun-na-ke4-ne su-?-?-àm | The Anunnaki................ |
[X10] | a-ba-àm lu-kur-ra-ke4(?)-ne kur-ra DI(?).........e11-dé | " Who, pray, of(?)the men of tha nether world in(?)the nether world. . . ? |
[X11] | u4-da dinanna kur-ta ba-en-dè | On the day that Inanna from the nether world ascends |
[X12] | ug5-ga sag-a-na ha-ba-ab-si-mu | May the dead hasten in front ofher |
[X13] | dinanna kur-ta ba-en-dè | Inanna from the nether world ascends |
[X14] | [g]alla-tu[r-tu]r gi-IGI-KAK(?)-?-gim | The s[mal]e [g\allê, like.............reeds |
[X15] | galla(!)-gal-gal gi-dub-ba-na-gim(!) | The large gallê, like tablet styluses |
[X16] | zag-ga-na ba-an-dib(?)-bi-es | Walked (?) at her side |
[X17] | lû-igi-na(?)-?-?-nu-me-a gišdar su-bi-in-du8 | Theone in front ofher, not being, held a scepter |
[X18] | bar-ra-na-P-P-nu-me-aK'Huku^?) ur-ra mu-un......... | At her side, not being.........ed a weapon (?) on the loins |
[X19] | lû-e-ne-ra-in-si-sug-es-àm | They who accompanied her |
| ||
[X20] | lu-dinanna-ra-in-si-sûg-es-àm | They who accompanied Inanna |
[X21] | û nu-zu-me-es a nu-zu-me-es | Were (beings who) do not know food, do not know drink |
[X22] | [zi]-dub-dub-ba nu-ku-me-es | Were (beings who) do not eat sprinkled(?) [flour] |
[X23] | [kas(?)]-bal-bal nu-nag-nag-me-es | Were beings who) do not drink libated [wine?] |
[X24] | [û]r-lû-ka dam su-ti-a-me-es | Were (beings who) take away the wife from the [loins] of a man |
[X25] | ?-um-me-ga(!)-lá-ka dumu su-ti-a-me-es | Were (beings who) take away the child from the [breasts(?)J of the nursing woman |
[X26] | dinanna kur-ta ba-eirdè | Inanna from the nether world ascends |
[X27] | dinanna kur-ta-eirda-ni | Upon Inanna's ascending from the nether world |
[X28] | [sukkal-a-ni] dnin-subur-ke4 gir-ni-sè ba-an-sub | [Her messenger], Ninsubur, threw himself at her feet |
[X29] | [sahar-ra ba]-da-an-tustùgmu-sir-ra ba-an-mu4 | In the dust he sat, sackcloth(?) he put on |
[X30] | [galla] e-ne kug-dinanna-ra gù-mu-na-dé-e | The gallû, to her(?) to the pure Inanna, says : |
[X31] | [dinan]na uru-zu-sè gub-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-tum-mu-dè | " [Oh Inan]na, at thy city take stand(?), let us bring him(?) in |
[X32] | [kug]-dinanna-ke4 galla e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 | [The] pure Inanna, to(?) the gallû, she(?) answers : |
[X33] | sukkal-e-ne-èm-sag5-sag3-ga-mu | " My messenger of favorable words |
[X34] | ra-gaba-e-ne-èm-gi-en-gi-na-mu | My carrier of true words |
[X35] | .................. | .................. |
[X36] | .........ÂG.........GÛ......... | ............................... |
[X37] | [uru(?)] dul-dul-da ma-[an]-gá-gá | Turned [the cities(r)] into ruins for me |
[X38] | . . . . gu-en-na m[a-a]n-tuku-a | Took(?) ... in the guen fo[r m]e |
[X39] | [é(?)]-dingir-ri-e-n[e-k]e4(?) ma-an-PA. GIS | .... ed at(?) [the house] of the gods for me |
[X40] | [?-NE-]ni ma-an-ár KA-ni ma-an-àr | .. .ed his [.. .] for me, . . .ed his mouth(?) for me |
[X41] | [?]-mu-lu-da U(?)-DI-SU-gal-a-ni ma-an-HUR | Smelled(?)........his great...for me |
[X42] | [mu]-lu-nu-tuku-gim tùg-as-a im-ma-an-mu4 | Dressed like a [pjauper in a single dress for me |
[X43] | [é]-kur-raé-dmu-ul-lil-là-sè | To the [E]kurthe house of Mullil |
[X44] | uriki-ma é-dnanna-sè | In Ur to the house of Nanna |
[X45] | uru-si-ibki é-dam-an-ki-ga- sè | In Urusib to the house of Amanki " |
[X46] | e-ne ma-a-ra mu-un-ti-li-en | " He(?), for me, has made thee(?) to live " |
[X47] | ga-an-si-sug-dè-en ummaki-a sig4-kur-ru(!)-ga-sè [ga]-an-si-sûg-dè-en | " Let us accompany her, in Umma to the Sigkurruga [Iet] us accompany her" |
[X48] | um[maki-a] sig4-kur-ru-ga-ta | [In Um]ma from the Sigkurruga |
[X49] | dsara glr-ni-se ba-an-sub | Sara threw himself at her feet |
[X50] | sahar-ra ba-da-an-tustùgmu-sir-ra ba-an-mu4 | In the dust he sat, sackcloth(?) he put on |
[X51] | galla e-ne kug-dinanna-ra gù-mu-na-dé-e | The gaJlû, to her(?), to the pure Inanna says ; |
[X52] | dinanna uru-zu-sè gub-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-tum-mu-dè | " Oh Inanna, at thy city take thy stand(?) let us bring him(?) in " |
[X53] | [ku]g-dinanna-ke4 galla e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4 | The pure Inanna, to the gallû, she(?) answers : |
[X54] | ...........................SÈ(?)......... | ......................................... |
[X55] | ?..................gû(?)-TAR-la......... | ........................................ |
[X56] | NE-ta-gim nam.........-as(?) si......... | Like..........................." |
[X57] | ga-an(!)-si(!)-sûg-en-dè-en bà[d-t]ibiraki-a [é-MUS-kalam-ma-sè] ga-an-si-sug en-dè-en(!) | "Let us accompany her, in Ba[dt]ibira [to EMUSkalamma] let us accompa ny her " |
[X58] | bàd-tibiraki-a é-MÛS-kalam-fma-ta] | In Badtibira [from] EMUSkalam[ma] |
[X59] | [d? gir-ni-sé ba-an-sub] | [X (name of deity) threw herself (or himself) at her feet] |
[X60] | [sahar-ra ba-da-an-tustûgmu-sir-ra ba-an-mu4] | [In thedust she (he?) sat, sackcloth(?) she (he?) put on] |
[X61] | [galla e-ne kug-ainanna-ra gu-mu-na-dè-e] | [The gallû to her(?), to pure Inanna says ;] |
[X62] | [dinanna uru-zu-sé gub-ba e-ne ga-ba-ab-tum-mu-dè] | [" Oh Inanna, at thy city take thy stand(?) let us bring her(?) (him(?)) in ".] |
[X64] | [kug dinanna-ke4 galla e-ne mu-na-ni-ib-gi4-gi4] | [The pure Inanna, to the gallû, she answers :] |
All texts
Title |
"CBS 9800 / Inanna's Descent": English Translation by Samuel N. Kramer Journal article · Samuel Noah Kramer · 1937 |
Mythological contents
This artifact contains mythological contents associated with Sumerian Religion. The main narrative mentioned may be Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld, a Afterlife myth. The deities depicted or mentioned in the artifact may be: Inanna.
Parent belief system
- Sumerian Religion · Polytheisticexpand_lessHeads up. This Religion belongs to the Mesopotamian collection on the basis of shared myths and deities.
Sumerian religion refers to spiritual beliefs practiced from ca. 4500-1900 BCE in Mesopotamia, or modern-day southern Iraq. Many deities were diffused into other Mesopotamian cultures.
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Associated myth
- Inanna's Descent to the Netherworld Afterlife mythexpand_less
Inanna descends from the great above to the great below. She abandons several temples and heads for open country. She gives precise instructions to her companion—Ninsubur: Inanna says "if I don't return in three days, go to the temples and plead on my behalf." At the netherworld she enters and goes through seven gates before she is turned into a corpse. Ninsubur follows the instructions and tells Inanna's father Enkil what happened. He helps her by sending two a-sexual creatures to sneak in and bring her back to life. Once Inanna is alive she ascends while being escorted by demons from the netherworld. The demons allow her to trade her husband Dumuzi in her place.
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Deities depicted
CDLI data for P345344
The artifact named CBS 9800 is listed in the CDLI database as record number P345344. It belongs to composite number Q000343 .
About the CDLI
- Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative Est. 1998expand_lessThe Cuneiform Digitial Library Initiative (CDLI) is a collaborative project among the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), the University of Oxford, and the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, Germany). The project is funded by various universities and donors in the hopes of cataloging, translating, and digitizing artifacts with text in cuneiform script.
Record numbers
Record notes
About these data
Retrieval date | Aug. 10, 2022 |
Copyright | CDLI @ UCLA |
Artifact condition
The artifact named 'CBS 9800' is appraised as being in Just OK condition based on how much reliance is placed on other resources to make it complete and readable.
Condition | Excellent | Just OK | Poor |
![]() | ![]() | ![]() | |
Completeness | More than 80% | 50 - 80% | Less than 50% |
Fragmentation | Minor | Moderate | Significant |
Damage | Minor | Moderate | Significant |
Legibility | Highly readable | Somewhat readable | Unintelligible |
How did we get this date?
The creation date for the artifact named 'CBS 9800' is a date range because the exact date is unknown. We derived this date from the source(s) listed below:
Notes (see bottom of page for full bibliography)
- Renn et al., "Archival view of P345344," CDLI. [See chronology]Visit"Period: Old Babylonian (ca. 1900-1600 BC)"
Artifact access conditions
We are unsure if this artifact is on display. If it is, it would be in the Old Babylonian Collection. However, Penn Museum seems to encourage researchers to schedule access time under the proper circumstances (see what's required). Generally, researchers must fill out a form, wait at least four weeks, and abide by the guidelines. Access is allowed during business hours of the museum and there are additional forms required depending if you want to capture photographs.
Contact the location
Scholarly research inquiriesWhat's a 'joined' artifact?

A joined artifact is one that was originally part of the other and was broken or fragmented at some point in time. Joins are common among clay tablets because they may get broken during discovery and transportation. The join is notated with the + sign. For example, if tablets A000 and Z999 are joined, we would express this relationship by grouping them as A000 + Z999 to indicate they are related.
If the fragments are owned, maintained, and cataloged by separate museums then classifying the join relationship is critical for accurate translations.
Cite this page
OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "CBS 9800 (Clay Tablet)." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 28 Apr. 2019, Accessed 26 Mar. 2025.
OMNIKA (2019, April 28). CBS 9800 (Clay Tablet). Retrieved from
OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "CBS 9800 (Clay Tablet)." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created April 28, 2019. Accessed March 26, 2025.