"Isaiah 1-3" Biblia Hebraica Kittel

Text summary

From: Book · Rudolf Kittel · 1906

"Isaiah 1-3: Biblia Hebraica Kittel" includes the first three chapters of the Book of Isaiah of the Hebrew Old Testament. It is from the Biblia Hebraica version by Rudolf Kittel, published in 1906.
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Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date06/26/2020
Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date06/26/2020
Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date06/26/2020
Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date06/26/2020
Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date06/26/2020
Source record No.p. 553MediumPrintImage date1906Source notesKittel et al., BHK, 553.
Source record No.p. 554MediumPrintImage date1906Source notesKittel et al., BHK, 554.
Source record No.p. 555MediumPrintImage date1906Source notesKittel et al., BHK, 555.
Source record No.p. 556MediumPrintImage date1906Source notesKittel et al., BHK, 556.
Source record No.p. 557MediumPrintImage date1906Source notesKittel et al., BHK, 557.
Source a Kittel et al., BHK II, 553-557 launch .

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MLA Modern Language Association (8th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. ""Isaiah 1-3": Biblia Hebraica Kittel." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 29 Mar. 2019, omnika.org/stable/49. Accessed 9 Mar. 2025.

APA American Psychological Association (6th ed.)

OMNIKA (2019, March 29). "Isaiah 1-3": Biblia Hebraica Kittel. Retrieved from https://omnika.org/stable/49

CMS Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. ""Isaiah 1-3": Biblia Hebraica Kittel." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created March 29, 2019. Accessed March 9, 2025. https://omnika.org/stable/49.


Kittel, Rudolf. Biblia Hebraica: Pars II. Leipzig, Germany: Johann Conrad Hinrichs, 1906.


Biblical Genesis Creation myth Myth icon
Christian Belief system
God Main deity

God created everything in the course of six days, as follows: (day 1) the heavens and the earth—effectively the entire universe—followed by day and night; (day 2) a dome to separate heaven and earth; (day 3) land, from which trees and plant life is raised; (day 4) sun and moon; (day 5) creatures that dwell in the ocean, and; (day 6) animals and humans (Adam and Eve), modeled in his image. Afterwards, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Upon eating the apple and gaining awareness, they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and forced to live out their mortal days on Earth.