"Minoan Sun Hymn" English Translation of Phaistos Disk by Peter Z. Revesz

Text summary

From: Journal article · Peter Z. Revesz · 2016

The "Minoan Sun Hymn" is an English translation of The Phaistos Disk in 2016 by Peter Z. Revesz. According to Revesz, the inscription on the Minoan artifact represents Cretan Hieroglyphs meant to be read from the inside-out. Moreover, the transliterated syllables may belong to the Proto-Hungarian or Proto-Finno-Ugric family of languages. According to Revesz's translation and transliteration, the inscription is a sun hymn, a form of proto-mythology, to a Minoan solar deity.
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Full Translation, Transliteration, Collation (full)

Minoan ⟶ English a

Side A
Collation added by redactor.
A-1f-3-͡ts     m-13     u*-k-n-ʃ-ʃ-j*-kChief god of all, our ruler.
A-2f-3-͡ts     n-t-d     m-13-j*-kChief god, you protect all of us.
A-3j*-p-ɲ     t-17-s-ɒ     ʃ-s-l-m-ʃ-j*-kCome light’s spring, shine again
A-4p-ɲ-j*-k     m-l     s-d-͡ts-o-ʃ-kShine warm and glorious rays.
A-5p-ɲ-j*-k     d-h     u*-k-n-ʃ-ʃ-j*-kLight up strong, our ruler.
A-6p-ɲ-j*-k     m-l     s-d-͡ts-o-ʃ-kShine warm and glorious rays.
A-7i-ʒ     f-d-l-j*-k     v-40-ɟ͡ʝ-m     n-t-ɟ͡ ʝ-j*-kFor our hot cover, to rise we pray.
A-8n-p-ɲ     s-ɒ-j*-k     ɛ-44-ʃSunlight, our dear ancestor mother,
A-9j*-v-c͡ ç-ʃ     h-40-4-j*-k     m-j-jHelp our ships sailing on the seas
A-10v-c͡ ç-j     j*-40-z     s-m-13-j*-kAnd all of us.
Side B
B-1v-c͡ ç     o-d-m-j     v-d-n-ɒ-kWater flows westward.
B-2v-s-ʒ-b-n     ɛ-v-r-j-g     z-s-d-vTakes you fast to Iberia by the evening.
B-3v-c͡ ç-v     n-s-v     o-d-m-ʃ     ɛ-v-r-j-gWith water you … flow to Iberia.
B-4v-c͡ ç -j     13-ɛ-jIts water swallows you.
B-5ɛ-v-r-j     m-ʃ-n-k     h-ʒ-l-n-ɒThe Iberian king’s twenty daughters
B-6m-h-j     s-m-16     n-20-z-z-jBend over and sadly watch the horizon.
B-7m-f-o-ʃ     40-r-p-k     n-40-z-v     o-42-k-gFlying while shooting arrows Sagittarius
B-8s-m-13-v-s     h-ʒ-m-13And the other stars chase you back.
B-943-s-d-16     j*-20-z-h     ʃ-o-gAll drift away during the night to Asia,
B-105-d-k-k     n-v-c͡ ç-ʃ     v-40-g-j*-kWhere you, our light, … ascend.
Source(s) a Revesz, "Phaistos Disk Translation", 95-98 launch .

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Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date07/13/2020
Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date07/13/2020
Source record No.p. 95MediumPrintOrientationFull pageImage date2016CreatorPeter Z. ReveszSource notesRevesz, "Phaistos Disk Translation," 95.
Source record No.p. 98MediumPrintOrientationFull pageImage date2016CreatorPeter Z. ReveszSource notesRevesz, "Phaistos Disk Translation," 98.
Source a Revesz, "Phaistos Disk Translation", 95-98 launch .

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MLA Modern Language Association (8th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. ""Minoan Sun Hymn": English Translation of Phaistos Disk by Peter Z. Revesz." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 13 Jul. 2020, omnika.org/stable/888. Accessed 25 Mar. 2025.

APA American Psychological Association (6th ed.)

OMNIKA (2020, July 13). "Minoan Sun Hymn": English Translation of Phaistos Disk by Peter Z. Revesz. Retrieved from https://omnika.org/stable/888

CMS Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. ""Minoan Sun Hymn": English Translation of Phaistos Disk by Peter Z. Revesz." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created July 13, 2020. Accessed March 25, 2025. https://omnika.org/stable/888.


Anonymous creator, The Phaistos Disc, c. 1600–1699 BCE. Clay disk, diameter: 0.16m [6.23 in]. Permanent Exhibitions Collection, Room III, Inventory No. AE 1358, Heraklion Archaeological Museum, Heraklion, Crete, Greece.
Evans, Arthur J. Scripta Minoa: The Written Documents of Minoan Crete with Special Reference to the Archives of Knossos. Vol. 1, The Hieroglyphic and Primitive Linear Classes. Oxford, England: Clarendon Press, 1909.
Revesz, Peter Z. "A Computer-Aided Translation of the Phaistos Disk." International Journal of Computers 10, no. 1 (2016): 94-100.
Revesz, Peter Z. "Experimental Evidence for a Left-to-Right Reading Direction of the Phaistos Disk." Mediterranean Archaeology and Archaeometry 22, no. 1 (2022): 79–96.
Revesz, Peter Z., and Shruti Daggumati. "Data Mining Ancient Scripts to Investigate their Relationships and Origins / No. 26." In IDEAS '19 / Proceedings of the 23rd International Database Applications & Engineering Symposium, 1-10, edited by Bipin C. Desai. New York, NY: ACM Digital Library, 2019. [Presented at Harokopio University of Athens, Athens, Greece, June 10-12, 2019]
Ridderstad, Marianna P., redactor. "Phaistos Disk / Numerical Transcription." In "Lunisolar Calendrical Symbolism on the Phaistos Disk," 5 [Appendix 2], edited by Marianna P. Ridderstad, Anistoriton 12, no. 2 (2010): 1-5.


Hymn to Minoan Solar Deity Proto-myth Myth icon
Minoan Belief system
Minoan Solar Proto-Deity Main deity

On Side A, the solar figure is first affirmed as the chief ruler. The author then asks for the figure to shine warmth and show its rays in order that the people can be assisted while sailing. On Side B, water is described as flowing westward to Iberia. An Iberian king's twenty daughters are described as watching (perhaps lamenting) the horizon as the sun is chased away by the other stars. Arrows are described as being shot, perhaps toward or from Sagittarius. Finally, the light drifts away to Asia and ascends again when the stars chase it back, ending the poem.