Text summary
From: Book · Samuel Alfred Browne Mercer · 1952

Text: Full Translation, Collation (full)
Archaic Egyptian ⟶ English a
Line # | Translation |
p. 253 | |
Utterance 600 | |
1652a | To say: O Atum-Khepri, when thou didst mount as a hill, |
1652b | and didst shine as bnw of the ben (or, benben) in the temple of the "phoenix" in Heliopolis, |
1652c | and didst spew out as Shu, and did spit out as Tefnut, |
1653a | (then) thou didst put thine arms about them, as the arm(s) of a ka, that thy ka might be in them. |
1653b | Atum, so put thine arms about N., |
1653c | about this temple, about this pyramid, as the arm (s) of a ka, |
1653d | that the ka of N. may be in it, enduring for ever and ever. |
1654a | O Atum, put thy protection upon N., |
1654b | upon this his pyramid, (upon) this temple of N.; |
1654c | prevent any evil thing happening to him for ever and ever; |
1654d | just as thy protection was put upon Shu and Tefnut. |
1655a | O Great Ennead who are in Heliopolis, |
1655b | Atum, Shu, Tefnut, Geb, Nut, Osiris, Isis, Set, Nephthys, |
1655c | children of Atum--his heart is broad (glad) because of his children, in your name of "Nine [Bows]." |
p. 254 | |
1656a | no one among you separates himself from Atum, (when) he protects N., |
1656b | (when) he protects this pyramid of N., (when) he protects this his temple, |
1656c | against all the gods, against all the dead. |
1656d | He prevents any evil thing from happening to him for ever and ever. |
1657a | O Horus, this N. is Osiris; |
1657b | this pyramid of N. is Osiris; this his temple is Osiris; |
1498a | "O Rē‘," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth, |
1497c | take him with thee to the southern side of the sky." |
1658a | Thou wast complete, thou wast great, in thy name of "House of the Great black." |
1658b | Thot has put the gods under thee, because they are intact and just, |
1658c | in the ddȝ-fortress, in the dmȝ‘-fortress. |
1658d | O Horus, like thy father, Osiris, in his name of, "He of the royal castle," |
1659a | Horus has given the gods to thee; he has caused them to ascend to thee, as (reed)-pens, |
1659b | that they may illuminate thy face (cheer thee) as temples. |
p. 236 | |
Utterance 575 | |
1492a | To say: "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw; |
1492b | "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Rē‘ comes," says Sḥpw; |
1492c | "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Horus. |
1493a | "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw; |
1493b | "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Re, comes," says Sḥpw. |
1493c | "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Set. |
1494a | "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw; |
1494b | "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Rē‘ comes," says Sḥpw; |
1494c | "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," says Geb. |
1495a | "Behold, he comes; behold, he comes," says Sḥpw; |
1495b | "behold, the son of Rē‘ comes; the beloved of Rē‘ comes," says Sḥpw; |
1498b | while thou dawnest at the centre of the sky, "give thy hand to N., |
1495c | "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," say the Souls of Heliopolis and the Souls of Buto. |
1496a | "O Rē‘," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth, |
1496b | while thou dawnest on the east of the sky, "give thy hand . to N.; |
1496c | take him with thee to the eastern side of the sky." |
1497a | "O Re," say men, when they stand by the side of N. on the earth, |
1497b | while thou dawnest on the southern side of the sky, "give thy hand to N.; |
1498c | take him with thee to the centre of the sky." |
1499 | One hastens with thy message; the runners are before thee. |
Source(s) a Mercer, Pyramid Texts I, 236, 253-254 launch . |
Original source data
The Samuel A. B. Mercer translation of the Egyptian Pyramid Texts is a 1952 book published by the author. Mercer was the first person to publish a complete English translation of the funerary carvings in ancient Egyptian pyramids in Saqqara. The references to the city of Heliopolis are cited in Utterances 575 (lines 1492-1499) and 600 (lines 1652-1659):
"1495c. "I caused him to come; I caused him to come," say the Souls of Heliopolis and the Souls of Buto."
Utterance 600 talks about the city of Heliopolis, Atum, and the great Ennead. Atum is hailed at the primary deity responsible for creation, citing the 'spitting' action referenced in Utterance 575. Utterance 575 outlines the creation process, as initiated by Atum. This description has also been described as an act of ejaculation via masterbation. Samuel Mercer was considered an expert in Egyptian translations, likely based on his extensive experience with the culture.
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OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. ""Utterances 575 and 600": English Translation of Pyramid Texts by Samuel A.B. Mercer." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 14 Apr. 2019, omnika.org/stable/59. Accessed 6 Mar. 2025.
OMNIKA (2019, April 14). "Utterances 575 and 600": English Translation of Pyramid Texts by Samuel A.B. Mercer. Retrieved from https://omnika.org/stable/59
OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. ""Utterances 575 and 600": English Translation of Pyramid Texts by Samuel A.B. Mercer." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created April 14, 2019. Accessed March 6, 2025. https://omnika.org/stable/59.