About this myth
Divine Comedy is a Afterlife myth originating from the Christian belief system. The main deity depicted in this myth is likely God. Others include Achilles, Aeneas, Apollo, Athena, Cronus, Heracles, Jesus Christ, and Zeus.
In a nutshell
Myth summary
Halfway through his life (age thirty-five), Dantes goes to the underworld to see hell before visting purgatory and then heaven.
Attested: Unknown
Created: Unknown
Main deity: God
Belief system: Christian
Origin: Europe › Southern Europe › Italy
Belief system
Main deity
God is the sole deity of the Christian faith, as well as its denominations. This deity is referenced heavily in the Holy Bible and artistically depicted as an older-aged male.
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More information
The Divine Comedy is an afterlife myth written by Dantes Alighieri in circa 1320 CE. While The Divine Comedy features three distinct books, most people only identify with "Inferno."
Texts related to this myth
See full texts of this myth via related artifacts. Where available, a translation is included.
All texts