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MLA Modern Language Association (8th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "Apollo." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 09 Aug. 2019, Accessed 26 Mar. 2025.

APA American Psychological Association (6th ed.)

OMNIKA (2019, August 09). Apollo. Retrieved from

CMS Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "Apollo." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created August 09, 2019. Accessed March 26, 2025.


Fox, William S. The Mythology of All Races / Volume I, Greek and Roman. Vol. 1, The Mythology of All Races: In Thirteen Volumes. Edited by Louis H. Gray and George F. Moore. Boston, MA: Marshall Jones Company, 1916.
Havelock, Eric A. The Greek Concept of Justice: From Its Shadow in Homer to Its Substance in Plato. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 1978.
Snell, Bruno. The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought. Translated by Thomas G. Rosenmeyer. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1953.

Fast facts

Ancient Greek Belief system
location_city Delphi (oracle) Cult city