The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought is a 1946 book by Bruno Snell, a German classical philologist, that concerns Homeric epics. Snell's revolutionary thesis was that modern man, and his psychology, stem from the development of Greek intellectualism in the first one thousand years before the common era.
Source: OMNIKA
"An illuminating and convincing account of the enormous change in the whole conception of morals and human personality which took place during the centuries covered by Homer, the early lyric poets, the dramatists, and Socrates." -- The Times (London) Literary Supplement.
European thinking began with the Greeks. Science, literature, ethics, philosophy -- all had their roots in the extraordinary civilization that graced the shores of the Mediterranean a few millennia ago. The rise of thinking among the Greeks was nothing less than a revolution; they did not simply map out new areas for thought and discussion, they literally created the idea of man as an intellectual being -- an unprecedented concept that decisively influenced the subsequent evolution of European thought.Source: Author or Publisher
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Achilles, half man-half deity, fought in the Trojan war for King Agamemnon and quarreled with him over a mistress, among other things. The war featured the Trojans against the Greeks and had lots of action where Achilles was the star. Achilles' close friend Patroclus died at the hands of Hector; consequently, Achilles slaughtered him in order to get his revenge. While not listed in the Iliad, sources say that Achilles suffered his tragic fate at the end of the war by Paris when he was shot with an arrow through the achilles heel. Achilles fulfilled the hero motif of living a short life of glory.
Belief system

The ancient Greek belief system represents a collection of cultural myths and stories that date back to circa 1300-1200 BCE. Its pantheon of deities were widely known and written about in Greek texts. The Romans...

Achilles (Greek: Ἀχιλλεύς) was a Trojan war hero who was half man, half deity. Achilles is best known for his fighting skills during the Trojan war where he slayed Hector.
Myths cited
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ChicagoSnell, Bruno. The Discovery of the Mind: The Greek Origins of European Thought. Translated by Thomas G. Rosenmeyer. Oxford, UK: Basil Blackwell, 1953.