Gods, Voices, and the Bicameral Mind is a collection of works related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness, as evidenced by evidence from history, mythology, anthropology, and psychology. The work was edited and published by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Source: OMNIKA
Does consciousness inevitably arise in any sufficiently complex brain? Although widely accepted, this view — inherited from Darwin’s theory of evolution — is supported by surprisingly little evidence. Offering an alternate view of the history of the human mind, Julian Jaynes’s ideas challenge our preconceptions of not only the origin of the modern mind, but the origin of gods and religion, the nature of mental illness, and the future potential of consciousness. The tremendous explanatory power of Jaynes’s ideas force us to reevaluate much of what we thought we knew about human history.
Gods, Voices, and the Bicameral Mind both explains Julian Jaynes’s theory and explores a wide range of related topics such as the ancient Dark Age, the nature of dreams and the birth of Greek tragedy, poetic inspiration, the significance of hearing voices in both the ancient and modern world, the development of consciousness in children, vestiges of bicameralism and the transition to consciousness in early Tibet, the relationship of consciousness and metaphorical language, and how Jaynes’s ideas compare to those of other thinkers.
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Achilles, half man-half deity, fought in the Trojan war for King Agamemnon and quarreled with him over a mistress, among other things. The war featured the Trojans against the Greeks and had lots of action where Achilles was the star. Achilles' close friend Patroclus died at the hands of Hector; consequently, Achilles slaughtered him in order to get his revenge. While not listed in the Iliad, sources say that Achilles suffered his tragic fate at the end of the war by Paris when he was shot with an arrow through the achilles heel. Achilles fulfilled the hero motif of living a short life of glory.
Belief system

The ancient Greek belief system represents a collection of cultural myths and stories that date back to circa 1300-1200 BCE. Its pantheon of deities were widely known and written about in Greek texts. The Romans...

Achilles (Greek: Ἀχιλλεύς) was a Trojan war hero who was half man, half deity. Achilles is best known for his fighting skills during the Trojan war where he slayed Hector.
Myths cited
Belief systems cited
Other works
Website · 1997

The "JJS" promotes the work of Julian Jaynes, a former Princeton professor who revolutionized ancient (and modern) psychology with his book, titled The Origin of Consciousness .... The book's contributions to ancient studies are legion, and cover the Homeric Epics (the Iliad and Odyssey), and more Greek and Akkadian myths. The society was started in 1997 by the prolific author Marcel Kuijsten, its Executive Director.
Book · 2022

Conversations on Consciousness is a collection of transcribed interviews related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness. The work was compiled and edited by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Book · 2019

Gods, Voices, and the Bicameral Mind is a collection of works related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness, as evidenced by evidence from history, mythology, anthropology, and psychology. The work was edited and published by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Cite this work
ChicagoKuijsten, Marcel, ed. Gods, Voices, and the Bicameral Mind: The Theories of Julian Jaynes. Henderson, NV: Julian Jaynes Society, 2019.