Conversations on Consciousness is a collection of transcribed interviews related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness. The work was compiled and edited by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Source: OMNIKA
How old is consciousness? What is the relationship of consciousness and language? What is the origin of god beliefs and religion? Why do people hear voices that command their behavior? These are just a few of the fascinating questions posed by Princeton University psychologist Julian Jaynes’s influential and controversial theory and discussed in this book. A treasure trove of provocative ideas, Conversations on Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind explains, extends, clarifies, and presents the latest evidence for Jaynes’s theory in a series of highly engaging interviews with both voice-hearers and leading thinkers on the theory.
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Website · 1997

The "JJS" promotes the work of Julian Jaynes, a former Princeton professor who revolutionized ancient (and modern) psychology with his book, titled The Origin of Consciousness .... The book's contributions to ancient studies are legion, and cover the Homeric Epics (the Iliad and Odyssey), and more Greek and Akkadian myths. The society was started in 1997 by the prolific author Marcel Kuijsten, its Executive Director.
Book · 2022

Conversations on Consciousness is a collection of transcribed interviews related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness. The work was compiled and edited by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Book · 2019

Gods, Voices, and the Bicameral Mind is a collection of works related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness, as evidenced by evidence from history, mythology, anthropology, and psychology. The work was edited and published by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Library works
Conference paper · 2022

"‘Minds’ in ‘Homer’" is a 2021 empirical research study on mental language in the Homeric epics which argued that the Iliad has much less mental language than the Odyssey, statistically speaking. Following peer review, the findings were accepted as a conference paper for the twelfth International Conference on the Mental Lexicon in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ontario, Canada, from October 11–14, 2022.
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ChicagoKuijsten, Marcel, ed. Conversations on Consciousness and the Bicameral Mind: Interviews with Leading Thinkers on Julian Jaynes’s Theory. Henderson, NV: Julian Jaynes Society, 2022.