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MLA Modern Language Association (8th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "Egyptian Heliopolis." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 22 Feb. 2019, Accessed 5 Oct. 2024.

APA American Psychological Association (6th ed.)

OMNIKA (2019, February 22). Egyptian Heliopolis. Retrieved from

CMS Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "Egyptian Heliopolis." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created February 22, 2019. Accessed October 5, 2024.


Allen, James P., trans. The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts: Translated with an Introduction and Notes by James P. Allen. Edited by Peter Der Manuelian. Atlanta, GA: SBL Press, 2005.
Leeming, David A. Creation Myths of the World: An Encyclopedia. 2nd edition. Vol. 1 [Parts I-II]. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2010.
Lesko, Leonard H., trans. "Utterance 600." In Religion in Ancient Egypt: Gods, Myths, and Personal Practice, 92, edited by Byron E. Shafer. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1991.
Mercer, Samuel A. B. The Pyramid Texts: In Translation and Commentary, Vol. I. Vol 1. London, UK: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1952.
Mercer, Samuel A.B., trans. "Utterances 575 and 600." In The Pyramid Texts: In Translation and Commentary, Vol. I, vol. 1, 236-237 and 253-254, authored by Samuel A.B. Mercer. London, UK: Longmans, Green, & Co., 1952.
Pepi II. Pyramid Texts: Pepi II Funerary Inscriptions, ca. 2246–2152 BCE. Inscription carvings. Necropolis of Pepi II, Pyramid of Pepi II, Saqqara Necropolis, Saqarah, Egypt.