External sources

God created everything in the course of six days, as follows: (day 1) the heavens and the earth—effectively the entire universe—followed by day and night; (day 2) a dome to separate heaven and earth; (day 3) land, from which trees and plant life is raised; (day 4) sun and moon; (day 5) creatures that dwell in the ocean, and; (day 6) animals and humans (Adam and Eve), modeled in his image. Afterwards, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Upon eating the apple and gaining awareness, they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and forced to live out their mortal days on Earth.
Belief system

Christianity is one of the world's most widely practiced religions. It is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of the Nazarene figure named Jesus. The important text associated with Christianity is...

God is the sole deity of the Christian faith, as well as its denominations. This deity is referenced heavily in the Holy Bible and artistically depicted as an older-aged male.
Myths cited
It looks like only the main myth was referenced in this work.
Belief systems cited
Other works
Website · 1997

The "JJS" promotes the work of Julian Jaynes, a former Princeton professor who revolutionized ancient (and modern) psychology with his book, titled The Origin of Consciousness .... The book's contributions to ancient studies are legion, and cover the Homeric Epics (the Iliad and Odyssey), and more Greek and Akkadian myths. The society was started in 1997 by the prolific author Marcel Kuijsten, its Executive Director.
Book · 2022

Conversations on Consciousness is a collection of transcribed interviews related to the theories of Julian Jaynes. The major focus of Jaynes' work was the origin of human consciousness. The work was compiled and edited by Marcel Kuijsten of the Julian Jaynes Society.
Cite this work
ChicagoMcVeigh, Brian J. The Psychology of the Bible: Explaining Divine Voices and Visions. Exeter, United Kingdom: Andrews UK Limited, 2020.