Jacobsen's Harps is a 1987 book which contains translations by the author of Sumerian poems. Jacobsen was a well-regarded Sumerologist and cuneiformist who contributed to the study of Sumerian literature.
Source: OMNIKA
Sumerian, the oldest language known, is represented by hundreds of thousands of clay tablets inscribed in the cuneiform writing system. Most of the tablets are devoted to mundane matters- ration lists, annual accounts, deeds, contracts- but a substantial number contain examples of perhaps the earliest poetry extant. In this volume, the eminent Assyriologist Thorkild Jacobsen presents translations of some of these ancient poems, including a number of compositions that have never before been published in translation. "What a wonderful bouquet; a gift to us all from a master Sumeriologist, a singer of human achievement, and a lover of words. Jacobsen needs no introduction and this work is special, and should be found in the home of all human and literate persons. It gives access to the mind of ancient Mesopotamia in a manner rarely duplicated heretofore ... Jacobsen has chosen widely from Sumer's rich literature- myth, epics, hymns, boasts, epithalamia, love songs, lamentations, fables- nad has presented us with perspective renderings". Jack M. Sasson, Religious Studies Review.
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Belief system

Sumerian religion refers to spiritual beliefs practiced from ca. 4500-1900 BCE in Mesopotamia, or modern-day southern Iraq. Many deities were diffused into other Mesopotamian cultures.
Myths cited
Belief systems cited
It looks like only the main belief system was referenced in this work.
Other works
Journal article · 1981

"The Eridu Genesis" is a 1981 journal article by Thorkild Jacobsen that was published in the Journal of Biblical Literature. It contains a translation of a Sumerian creation and flood myth. Notably, Jacobsen coined the term "Eridu Genesis" in this publication; consequently, the name applied to the myth in popular culture thereafter. The translation of the myth is based on an artifact named "B10673," which is a clay cuneiform tablet first published by Arno Poebel in 1914.
Book · 1987

Jacobsen's Harps is a 1987 book which contains translations by the author of Sumerian poems. Jacobsen was a well-regarded Sumerologist and cuneiformist who contributed to the study of Sumerian literature.
Cite this work
ChicagoJacobsen, Thorkild P.R. The Harps that Once . . . : Sumerian Poetry in Translation. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1987.