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MLA Modern Language Association (8th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "Atrahasis." OMNIKA – World Mythology Index, OMNIKA Foundation, 02 Jul. 2020, Accessed 9 Sep. 2024.

APA American Psychological Association (6th ed.)

OMNIKA (2020, July 02). Atrahasis. Retrieved from

CMS Chicago Manual of Style (16th ed.)

OMNIKA Foundation Contributors. "Atrahasis." Las Vegas, NV: OMNIKA Foundation. Created July 02, 2020. Accessed September 9, 2024.


Black, Jeremy, and Anthony Green. Gods, Demons, and Symbols of Ancient Mesopotamia: An Illustrated Dictionary. Illustrations by Tessa Rickards. London, United Kingdom: The British Museum Press, 1992.
Dalley, Stephanie M. Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Ipiq-Aya. "Atrahasis." In Myths from Mesopotamia: Creation, The Flood, Gilgamesh, and Others, 9-35, translated by Stephanie M. Dalley. New York, NY: Oxford University Press, 1989.
Lambert, Wilfred G., and Alan R. Millard. Cuneiform Texts From Babylonian Tablets in the British Museum. Part XLVI: Babylonian Literary Texts. Vol. 46. London, England: The Trustees of the British Museum, 1965.
The British Museum. Tablet / BM 78941, 1635 BCE. Middle East Department, BM 78941, The British Museum, London, United Kingdom.
The British Museum. Tablet / BM 78943, 1635 BCE. Middle East Department, BM 78943, The British Museum, London, United Kingdom.

Fast facts

Babylonian Belief system
location_city Shuruppak Cult city