Stephanie Mary Dalley is a retired British scholar of the Ancient Near East.
Ipiq-Aya was a Babylonian scribe attributed with writing the Epic of Atrahasis between 1702-1682 BCE.

Cover1Prefacevii7Contentsxi11List of Figuresxii12Sigla and Abbreviationsxiii13Introductionxv15Atrahasis123The Epic of Gilgamesh, standard version3961Gilgamesh (Old Babylonian version)136158The Descent of Ishtar to the Underworld154176Nergal and Ereshkigal, standard version163185Nergal and Ereshkigal (Amarna version)178200Adapa182204Anzu, standard version203225Anzu (Old Babylonian version)222244The Epic of Creation228250Theogony of Dunnu278300Erra and Ishum282304Glossary of Deities, Places and Key Terms317338Select Bibliography332354Supplementary Passages338360