James P. Allen's Middle Egyptian Literature provides signs, transliteration, and an English translation for eight popular Middle Egyptian works, including the literary Story of Sinuhe.
Source: OMNIKA
A companion volume to the third edition of the author's popular Middle Egyptian, this book contains eight literary works from the Middle Kingdom, the golden age of Middle Egyptian literature. Included are the compositions widely regarded as the pinnacle of Egyptian literary arts, by the Egyptians themselves as well as by modern readers. The works are presented in hieroglyphic transcription, transliteration and translation, accompanied by notes cross-referenced to the third edition of Middle Egyptian. These are designed to give students of Middle Egyptian access to original texts and the tools to practise and perfect their knowledge of the language. The principles of ancient Egyptian verse, in which all the works are written, are discussed, and the transliterations and translations are versified, giving students practice in this aspect of Egyptian literature as well. Consecutive translations are also included for reference and for readers more concerned with Middle Egyptian literature than language.
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Sinuhe departs Egypt following the death of his sovereign, Pharaoh Amenemhat I. After almost passing away due to thirst in the desert, Sinuhe is rescued by Asiatics. He befriends a prince in Upper Retjenu named Amunenshi. After winning a combat duel with the Strongman of Retjenu, Sinuhe gains glory, riches, and builds a family. Following several communications with the new sovereign of Egypt, Senwosret I, Sinuhe returns home to be buried in old age.
Belief system

The religion of ancient Egypt represents a cultural identity that lasted from ca. 3500 BCE to 300 CE, and included hundreds of myths, deities, and customs.

Allen's 2015 translation of the Story of Sinuhe stands out because it is more recent than others.
Myths cited
Belief systems cited
It looks like only the main belief system was referenced in this work.
Artifacts cited
Other works
Book · 2015

James P. Allen's Middle Egyptian Literature provides signs, transliteration, and an English translation for eight popular Middle Egyptian works, including the literary Story of Sinuhe.
Book · 2005

The Ancient Egyptian Pyramid Texts by James P. Allen is a 2005 translation of the Egyptian Pyramid Texts. Allen's work provides a critical update to the body of knowledge surrounding the funerary inscriptions of Egyptian rulers. The translation covers the inscriptions found in the pyramids at Saqqara, Egypt.
Library works
Book · 1990

Roland Koch's Die Erzählung des Sinuhe is the standard text of the Middle Egyptian Story of Sinuhe. It contains signs from various artifacts, mainly Papyri Berlin 3022 and 10499.

Cite this work
ChicagoAllen, James P. Middle Egyptian Literature: Eight Literary Works of the Middle Kingdom. Cambridge, United Kingdom: Cambridge University Press, 2015.