Hugh Gerard Evelyn-White was a British archaeologist, classical scholar, and Egyptologist.
Thomas Ethelbert Page, CH, was a British classicist.
William Henry Denham Rouse was a British teacher and Latin and Greek classicist.
Hesiod was a Greek poet generally thought by scholars to have been active between 750 and 650 BCE.
Homer is said to be an ancient Greek author who composed epic works like The Iliad.

Front cover1Prefacev9CONTENTSvii11Introductionix13Bibliographyxliii47HESIOD153Works and Days254The Divination by Birds64116The Astronomy66118The Precepts of Chiron72124The Great Works74126The Idaean Dactyls76128The Theogony78130The Catalogues of Women and the Eoiae154206The Shield of Heracles220272The Marriage of Ceyx254306The Great Eoiae256308The Melampodia266318the Aegimius270322Fragments of Unknown Position274326Doubtful Fragments280332THE HOMERIC HYMNS285337I. To Dionysus286338II. To Demeter288340III. To Apollo324376IV. To Hermes362414V. To Aphrodite406458VI. To Aphrodite426478VII. To Dionysus428480VIII. To Ares432484IX. To Artemis434486X. To Aphrodite434486XI. To Athena436488XII. To Hera436488XIII. To Demeter436488XIV. To the Mother of the Gods438490XV. To Heracles the Lion-hearted438490XVI. To Asclepius440492XVII. To the Dioscuri440492XVIII. To Hermes440492XIX. To Pan442494XX. To Hephaestus446498XXI. To Apollo446498XXII. To Poseidon448500XXIII. To the Son of Cronus, Most High448500XXIV. To Hestia448500XXV. To the Muses and Apollo450502XXVI. To Dionysus450502XXVII. To Artemis452504XXVIII. To Athena452504XXIX. To Hestia454506XXX. To Earth and Mother of All456508XXXI. To Helios458510XXXII. To Selene458510XXIII. To the Dioscuri460512THE EPIGRAMS OF HOMER465517THE EPIC CYCLE479531The War of the Titans480532The Story of Oedipus482534The Thebais484536The Epigoni486538The Cypria488540The Aethiopis506558The Little Iliad508560The Sack of Ilium520572The Returns524576The Telegony530582HOMERICA532584The Expedition of Amphiaraiis532584The Taking of Oechalia532584The Phocais534586The Margites536588The Cercopes538590The Battle of the Frogs and Mice541593THE CONTEST OF HOMER AND HESIOD565617INDEX599651