Die jüngeren Ischtar-tempel in Assur provides photographs and sketches from an archaeological expedition in Assur, a defunct city in ancient Mesopotamia. The work provides 132 pages of text and 63 pages of plates, which include sketches and photographs of findings.
Source: OMNIKA
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Assyrian religion was adapted from Babylonian and Akkadian culture during the first two centuries BCE. The religion was practiced from roughly 2000-500 BCE in modern-day Iraq and its chief deity was Aššur.
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ChicagoWalter, Andrae. Die jüngeren Ischtar-tempel in Assur: Ausgrabungen der Deutschen Orient-gesellschaft in Assur. A: Baudenkmäler aus assyrischer zeit ; v. V ; Wissenschaftliche veröffentlichung der Deutschen Orient-gesellschaft ; v. 58. Leipzig, Germany: J.C. Hinrichs, 1935.