About Ernst Walter Andrae
Ernst Walter Andrae was a German archaeologist.
Biographical details
Basic information
person Full name | Ernst Walter Andrae |
cake Date of birth | February 18, 1875 |
event_busy Date of death | July 28, 1956 |
Core CDLI:Wiki data
Name | Andrae, Ernst Walter |
Dates (life) | 18 February 1875 - 28 July 1956 |
Specialization | Archaeology |
Top works
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Die jüngeren Ischtar-tempel in Assur | |
Book | |
1935 | |
Author | |
More info | |
CDLI:Wiki data for Ernst Walter Andrae
Ernst Walter Andrae has a dedicated entry page on CDLI:Wiki with the name 'Andrae, Ernst Walter.' Included data from this source may provide the person's name, date of birth, date of death, major works, obituaries, and compiler remarks.
About the CDLI:Wiki
The CDLI:Wiki is an extension of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) project. It provides useful information about cuneiform studies: lists of artifacts, scholar biographies, and a list of abbreviations related to Assyriology.
Record numbers
Cuneiformist profile
Name | Andrae, Ernst Walter |
Dates (life) | 18 February 1875 - 28 July 1956 |
Birthplace | Leipzig, Germany |
Specialization | Archaeology |
Major works | *Hatra I., Allg. Beschreibung der Ruinen 1908*Der Anu-Adad-Tempel in Assur 1909 Hatra II., Einzelbeschreibung der Ruinen 1912*Die Festungwerke von Assur 1913*Die Stelenreihen in Assur, Leipzig 1913*Die archaischen Ischtar-Tempel in Assur 1922*Farbige Keramik aus Assur 1923*Hethitische Inschriften auf Bleistreifen aus Assur, Leipzig 1924*Die wiedererstandene Assur 1938*Babylon: Die versunkene Weltstadt und ihr Ausgräber Robert Koldewey, Berlin 1952 |
Remarks | Excavations in Babylon, with R. Koldewey, 1899 Director of the German excavations in Assur, 1903-1914 Curator of the Near Eastern Department of the Berlin Museum; director, 1928- Professor of History of Building, Technische Hochschule, Berlin |
Obituaries | AfO 18 (1957-1958) 224-225 (E. Weidner), with portrait MDOG 107 (1975) 5-6 (B. Hrouda) |
Festschrift | ZA 1950 1955, Festschrift by the Koldewey-Gesellschaft |
Raw text
====== Andrae, Ernst Walter ======
[[Image:Andrae.jpg|thumb|Ernst Andrae]]
Andrae, Ernst Walter
== Dates ==
18 February 1875 - 28 July 1956
== Birthplace ==
Leipzig, Germany
== Specialization ==
== Major works ==
*Hatra I., Allg. Beschreibung der Ruinen 1908
*Der Anu-Adad-Tempel in Assur 1909 Hatra II., Einzelbeschreibung der Ruinen 1912
*Die Festungwerke von Assur 1913
*Die Stelenreihen in Assur, Leipzig 1913
*Die archaischen Ischtar-Tempel in Assur 1922
*Farbige Keramik aus Assur 1923
*Hethitische Inschriften auf Bleistreifen aus Assur, Leipzig 1924
*Die wiedererstandene Assur 1938
*Babylon: Die versunkene Weltstadt und ihr Ausgräber Robert Koldewey, Berlin 1952
== Remarks ==
Excavations in Babylon, with R. Koldewey, 1899 Director of the German excavations in Assur, 1903-1914 Curator of the Near Eastern Department of the Berlin Museum; director, 1928- Professor of History of Building, Technische Hochschule, Berlin
== Obituaries ==
AfO 18 (1957-1958) 224-225 (E. Weidner), with portrait MDOG 107 (1975) 5-6 (B. Hrouda)
== Festschrift ==
ZA 1950 1955, Festschrift by the Koldewey-Gesellschaft
Record notes
About these data
Retrieval date | Mar. 25, 2025 |
Copyright | CDLI:Wiki @ UCLA |