Ridderstad's 2010 publication concerning The Phaistos Disk treats its relation to solar imagery in Minoan culture.
Source: OMNIKA
Snippet: The famous Phaistos disk is a small Minoan clay disk, about 15 cm across. It was discovered in the excavation of the palace of Phaistos by L. Pernier in 1908. The disk was found in the so-called temple repository room underground. A Linear A tablet was found nearby. The disk was dated by Duhoux (1977) to the Middle Minoan period, ca. 1850-1600 BCE. The disk is now generally believed to be of Minoan origin, not an import (see, e.g., Jackson 1999)...
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On Side A, the solar figure is first affirmed as the chief ruler. The author then asks for the figure to shine warmth and show its rays in order that the people can be assisted while sailing. On Side B, water is described as flowing westward to Iberia. An Iberian king's twenty daughters are described as watching (perhaps lamenting) the horizon as the sun is chased away by the other stars. Arrows are described as being shot, perhaps toward or from Sagittarius. Finally, the light drifts away to Asia and ascends again when the stars chase it back, ending the poem.
Belief system

Minoan culture refers to spiritual beliefs and customs practiced by peoples living in Crete and some Aegean islands between ca. 2800-1450 BCE.

The Minoan Solar Proto-Deity may represent the sun according to proto-myths in Linear A or Cretan Hieroglyphs. The figure may also be visible in Minoan material culture.

The "Minoan Sun Hymn" is an English translation of The Phaistos Disk in 2016 by Peter Z. Revesz. According to Revesz, the inscription on the Minoan artifact represents Cretan Hieroglyphs meant to be read from the inside-out. Moreover, the transliterated syllables may belong to the Proto-Hungarian or Proto-Finno-Ugric family of languages. According to Revesz's translation and transliteration, the inscription is a sun hymn, a form of proto-mythology, to a Minoan solar deity.
Myths cited
It looks like only the main myth was referenced in this work.
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It looks like only the main belief system was referenced in this work.
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ChicagoRidderstad, Marianna P. "Lunisolar Calendrical Symbolism on the Phaistos Disk." Anistoriton 12, no. 2 (2010): 1-5.