Orange is a basic mythological symbol categorized under Color. It depicts the visual perception of foods like oranges and carrots. The hexadecimal color code for Orange is #ffa500. In the RGB color space, its Red-Green-Blue distribution is 100% red, 64.7% green, and 0% blue.
According to Canva: Orange is the color of the tasty citrus fruit. It is a secondary color and the result of mixing red and yellow in equal portions. There are many variations of orange depending on the proportions of the two primary colors and its shade, tint, and tone can be adjusted with the addition of white and/or black. The hex code for orange is #FFA500. Orange is a fresh, youthful, and creative color. It has the warmth of red and the optimism of yellow, and it communicates activity and energy and encourages socialization. Orange looks and feels fresh and healthy and can even stimulate appetite. And because it is very easy to see it is used to catch attention and signal safety. Orange looks good with nearby colors, such as red and yellow and it teams well with its complementary color blue, as well as violet.
Features of the Orange symbol
Color Symbol category |
#ffa500 Hexadecimal color code |
100% red, 64.7% green, 0% blue Red-Green-Blue (RGB) distribution |
Derivations of the Orange symbol
| Jain Prateek Chihna Hybrid of Ahimsa Hand, Circle, Enclosure, Orange (Color), Swastika, Three Dots, Writing |
Uses of the Orange symbol
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