Frederic Melvin Wheelock was an American Latin professor known for his milestone Latin textbook.
Richard Lafleur is an American author and classicist.

Front cover1Contentsv6Forewordix10Prefacexiii14The Revised Editionxxi22Introductionxxvii28Mapsxlv461 Verbs; First and Second Conjugations: Present Infinitive, Indicative, and Imperative Active; Translating1502 Nouns and Cases; First Declension; Agreement of Adjectives; Syntax9583 Second Declension: Masculine Nouns and Adjectives; Apposition; Word Order17664 Second Declension Neuters; Adjectives; Present Indicative of Sum; Predicate Nouns and Adjectives; Substantive Adjectives24735 first and Second Conjugations: future and Imperfect; Adjectives in -er31806 Sum: future and Imperfect Indicative; Possum: Present, future, and Imperfect Indicative; Complementary Infinitive37867 Third Declension Nouns43928 Third Conjugation: Present Infinitive, Present, Future, and Imperfect Indicative, Imperative49989 Demonstratives Hie, IIle, Iste; Special -IUS Adjectives5510410 Fourth Conjugation and -io Verbs of the Third6211111 Personal Pronouns Ego, Tii, and lSi Demonstratives Is and Idem6711612 Perfect Active System of All Verbs7512413 Reflexive Pronouns and Possessives; Intensive Pronoun8213114 I-Stem Nouns of the Third Declension; Ablatives of Means, Accompaniment, and Manner8913815 Numerals; Genitive of the Whole; Genitive and Ablative with Cardinal Numerals; Ablative of Time9714616 Third Declension Adjectives10415317 The Relative Pronoun11015918 first and Second Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System; Ablative of Agent11616519 Perfect Passive System of All Verbs; Interrogative Pronouns and Adjectives12217120 Fourth Declension; Ablatives of Place from Which and Separation12917821 Third and Fourth Conjugations: Passive Voice of the Present System13518422 Fifth Declension; Ablative of Place Where; Summary of Ablative Uses14119023 Participles14719624 Ablative Absolute; Passive Periphrastic; Dative of Agent15520425 Infinitives; Indirect Statement16221126 Comparison of Adjectives; Declension of Comparatives; Ablative of Comparison17122027 Special and Irregular Comparison of Adjectives17922828 Subjunctive Mood; Present Subjunctive; Jussive and Purpose Clauses18623529 Imperfect Subjunctive; Present and Imperfect Subjunctive of Sum and Possum; Result Clauses19424330 Perfect and Pluperfect Subjunctive; Indirect Questions; Sequence of Tenses20225131 Cum Clauses; Fero21126032 Formation and Comparison of Adverbs; Volo, Malo, Nolo; Proviso Clauses21926833 Conditions22827734 Deponent Verbs; Ablative with Special Deponents23428335 Dative with Adjectives; Dative with Special Verbs; Dative with Compounds24529436 Jussive Noun Clauses; Fio25330237 Conjugation of Eo; Constructions of Place and Time26030938 Relative Clauses of Characteristic; Dative of Reference; Supines26931839 Gerund and Gerundive27632540 -Ne, Num, and Nonne in Direct Questions; fear Clauses; Genitive and Ablative of Description284333loci Antiqui292341Loci Immutati304353Optional Self-Tutorial Exercises356405Key to Exercises396445Appendix435484SOME ETYMOLOGICAL AIDS435484SUPPLEMENTARY SYNTAX442491SUMMARY OF FORMS446494English-latin Vocabulary461510Latin-English Vocabulary470516Abbreviations491540Index495544Location of the Sententiae Antiquae508557ABOUT THE AUTHORS511560