Leonard William King was an English archaeologist and Assyriologist.

Covervii5Titleix7Copyrightx8Prefacexi9Contentsxxiii21Introductionxxv23Transliterations and Translations1123I. The Seven Tablets of the History of Creation2124I. The First Tablet2124II. The Second Tablet22144III. The Third Tablet38160IV. The Fourth Tablet58180V. The Fifth Tablet78200VI. The Sixth Tablet86208VII. The Seventh Tablet92214Epilogue110232II. Other Accounts of the History of Creation115237I. Another Version of the Dragon-Myth116238II. A Reference to the Creation of the Cattle and the Beasts of the Field122244III. A Reference to the Creation of the Moon and the Sun124246IV. An Address to the River of Creation128250V. Another Version of the Creation of the World by Marduk130252VI. The "Cuthaean Legend of the Creation"140262Appendices156278I. Assyrian Commentaries and Parallel Texts to the Seventh Tablet of the Creation Series157279II. . . .182304III. . . .204326IV. . . .219341V. . . .222344Indices, Glossary, etc.238360I. Index to Texts239361A. . . .239361B. . . .241363C. . . .244366II. Index to Registration Numbers245367III. Glossary of Selected Words251373IV. Index to Names of Deities, Stars, Places, etc.266388