John Arnott MacCulloch was a Scottish scholar of Celtic religion and mythology.
George Foot Moore was a historian of religion and scholar.
The Mythology of All Races is a thirteen volume series published from 1916-1932. In "Volume II, Eddic," John Arnott MacCulloch treated Norse Eddic mythology. This volume includes a systematic review of relevant deities, myths, and spiritual beliefs. The author, MacCulloch, was also the editor of this work. In some future collections of the entire MOAR series, the Eddic volume was authored by another scholar: Axel Olrik.
Source: OMNIKA
Belief system
Norse Paganism refers to the beliefs and traditions of people from Scandinavia: Iceland, Norway, Sweden, and Denmark.
It looks like only the main myth was referenced in this work.
It looks like only the main belief system was referenced in this work.
MacCulloch, John A. The Mythology of All Races / Volume II, Eddic. Vol. 2, The Mythology of All Races: In Thirteen Volumes. Edited by John A. MacCulloch and George F. Moore. Boston, MA: Marshall Jones Company, 1930.
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