The Douay-Rheims Bible (DRB), published in 1609, was the official Bible used by the Catholic Church. It was translated by members of the English College of Douay, and was based on the Latin Vulgate version of the Bible (from ca. 382 CE). Gregory Martin was the lead translator, with the help of other experts. This version was the gold standard for the Catholic Church until it was replaced by newer versions.
Source: OMNIKA
The full title of this work reads: "The Holie Bible faithfully translated into English, out of the authentical Latin : diligently conferred with the Hebrew, Greeke, and other editions in diuers languages : with arguments of the bookes, and chapters, annotations, tables, and other helpes, for better vnderstanding of the text, for discourerie of corruptions in some late translations and for clearing controversies in religion."
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God created everything in the course of six days, as follows: (day 1) the heavens and the earth—effectively the entire universe—followed by day and night; (day 2) a dome to separate heaven and earth; (day 3) land, from which trees and plant life is raised; (day 4) sun and moon; (day 5) creatures that dwell in the ocean, and; (day 6) animals and humans (Adam and Eve), modeled in his image. Afterwards, Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Upon eating the apple and gaining awareness, they were kicked out of the Garden of Eden and forced to live out their mortal days on Earth.
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Christianity is one of the world's most widely practiced religions. It is an Abrahamic monotheistic religion based on the life and teachings of the Nazarene figure named Jesus. The important text associated with Christianity is...

God is the sole deity of the Christian faith, as well as its denominations. This deity is referenced heavily in the Holy Bible and artistically depicted as an older-aged male.

"Genesis 1-3: Douay–Rheims Bible" is a version of the Holy Bible published in 1609 by members of the English College of Douay in France. It was the official Bible of the Catholic Church and based on the Latin Vulgate. The first three chapters of Genesis are provided, which details a creation myth.
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ChicagoMartin, Gregory, trans. The Holy Bible: Faithfully Translated Into English Out of the Authentic Latin. Diligently Conferred with the Hebrew, Greek, and Other Editions in Diuers Languages. Edited by Richard Bristow, William Allen, and Thomas Worthington. Douay, France: Laurence Kellam, 1609.