The Dragon, Image, and Demon, or "Three Religions of China," is an 1886 book by an American missionary who went to China. The work explains the three major Chinese religions and their features, according to the author. It was published in 1886 and includes several illustrations.
Source: OMNIKA
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Belief system

Chinese folk religion refers to varied beliefs and customs belonging to people from present-day China.

Pangu (traditional Chinese: 盤古) was a supreme primordial deity associated with creation in some traditions within Chinese folk religion.
Myths cited
It looks like only the main myth was referenced in this work.
Belief systems cited
It looks like only the main belief system was referenced in this work.
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ChicagoDubose, Hampden C. The Dragon, Image, and Demon: Or, The Three Religions of China; Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, Giving an Account of the Mythology, Idolatry, and Demonolatry of the Chinese. London, England: S. W. Partridge & Co., 1886.