Perseus Scaife Viewer is a digital reading tool from the Perseus Digital Library of Tufts University. The reader includes access to the Perseus Digital Library's corpus of over 2,000 Latin and Greek texts, digitized and available in structured data format. The modern reading experience builds off of the work done in prior years by Gregory R. Crane.
Source: OMNIKA
The Scaife Viewer is a reading environment for pre-modern text collections in both their original languages and in translation. It is the first phase of work towards the next version of the Perseus Digital Library, Perseus 5.0.
This project is part of the Open Greek and Latin Project, an international collaborative consortium of librarians and researchers, that includes the Center for Hellenic Studies of Harvard, the Harvard Library, the Library of the University of Virginia, Mount Allison University, the Perseus Digital Library at Tufts, and the Open Philology Project at the University of Leipzig. The Alexander von Humboldt Chair of Digital Humanities at Leipzig funded the initial development by Eldarion.
The Scaife Viewer is named for Ross Scaife, a pioneer in digital classics who lived the virtues of collaboration and who set an early example in establishing open access and openly licensed data as the standards upon which Digital Classics now depends. The initial release of the Scaife Viewer was on March 15, 2018, the tenth anniversary of his premature passing on March 15, 2008.
The Scaife Viewer makes use of the CapiTainS suite of tools for the serving and processing of texts.
While Eldarion has led the initial work, the goal is to create a foundation which members of the community can extend. The code is open source under an MIT license.
See scaife-viewer.org for more information about the underlying software and how to get involved.
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Belief system

The ancient Greek belief system represents a collection of cultural myths and stories that date back to circa 1300-1200 BCE. Its pantheon of deities were widely known and written about in Greek texts. The Romans...
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ChicagoCrane, Gregory R., "Perseus Scaife Viewer: Open Greek and Latin Project by Perseus Digital Library." Department of Classical Studies, Tufts University, Medford, MA. Created March 15, 2018. Accessed July 19, 2023. https://scaife.perseus.org.