About Robert Francis Harper
Robert Francis Harper was an American Assyriologist and professor at the University of Chicago.
Biographical details
Basic information
person Full name | Robert Francis Harper |
cake Date of birth | October 18, 1864 |
event_busy Date of death | August 5, 1914 |
Core CDLI:Wiki data
Name | Harper, Robert Francis |
Dates (life) | 18 October 1864 - 5/6 August 1914 |
Specialization | Assyriology |
Top works
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The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon, about 2250 B.C. | |
Book | |
1904 | |
Author | |
More info | |
CDLI:Wiki data for Robert Francis Harper
Robert Francis Harper has a dedicated entry page on CDLI:Wiki with the name 'Harper, Robert Francis.' Included data from this source may provide the person's name, date of birth, date of death, major works, obituaries, and compiler remarks.
About the CDLI:Wiki
The CDLI:Wiki is an extension of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) project. It provides useful information about cuneiform studies: lists of artifacts, scholar biographies, and a list of abbreviations related to Assyriology.
Record numbers
Cuneiformist profile
Name | Harper, Robert Francis |
Dates (life) | 18 October 1864 - 5/6 August 1914 |
Birthplace | New Concord, OH |
Specialization | Assyriology |
Major works | Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collections of the British Museum (ABL 1-14), Chicago 1892-1914 The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon about 2250 B. C., Chicago 1904 |
Remarks | Associate Professor, University of Chicago, 1892- Professor, University of Chicago, 1900- Biography in: Who was who in America 1 (1943) 522, Dictionary of American Biography 8 (1932) 284f. |
Obituaries | AJSL 31 (1914-1915) 89ff. (D. Prince) |
Raw text
====== Harper, Robert Francis ======
== Name ==
Harper, Robert Francis
== Dates ==
18 October 1864 - 5/6 August 1914
== Birthplace ==
New Concord, OH
== Specialization ==
== Major works ==
Assyrian and Babylonian Letters Belonging to the Kouyunjik Collections of the British Museum (ABL 1-14), Chicago 1892-1914 The Code of Hammurabi, King of Babylon about 2250 B. C., Chicago 1904
== Remarks ==
Associate Professor, University of Chicago, 1892- Professor, University of Chicago, 1900- Biography in: Who was who in America 1 (1943) 522, Dictionary of American Biography 8 (1932) 284f.
== Obituaries ==
AJSL 31 (1914-1915) 89ff. (D. Prince)
Record notes
About these data
Retrieval date | Apr. 19, 2020 |
Copyright | CDLI:Wiki @ UCLA |