About Arno Poebel
Arno Poebel was a German Assyriologist who contributed to cuneiform studies.
Sourceomnika.conscious.aiRetrieval date06/22/2020
Source record No."Arno Poebel."MediumBlack and white photographOrientationPartial frontalImage dateBefore 1958CreatorUnknownSource notesWeidner, "Dem Gedächtnis der Toten," 264–265.
Biographical details
Basic information
person Full name | Arno Poebel |
cake Date of birth | January 26, 1881 |
event_busy Date of death | March 3, 1958 |
CDLI:Wiki data help_outline
Core CDLI:Wiki data
Name | Poebel, Arno |
Dates (life) | 26 January 1881 - 3 March 1958 |
Specialization | Assyriology |
Top works
![]() | ![]() | |
Publications of the Babylonian Section | Publications of the Babylonian Section | |
Book | Book | |
1914 | 1914 | |
Author | Author | |
More info | More info |
Authored works by Arno Poebel

Publications of the Babylonian Section: Vol. IV, Historical Texts Book · Arno Poebel · 1914
In 1914, Arno Poebel published Publications of the Babylonian Section: Vol. 4. Historical Texts, commonly abbreviated as PBS 4. It provides a full translation and transliteration of artifact B10673. This artifact contains one of the world's oldest Sumerian flood and creation myths. The myth is often called the "Eridu Genesis" or "Epic of Ziusudra." Arno Poebel, a German Assyriologist who lived between 1881 and 1958, published the work. chrome_reader_mode Read now 
Publications of the Babylonian Section: Vol. V: Historical and Grammatical Texts Book · Arno Poebel · 1914
In 1914, Arno Poebel published Publications of the Babylonian Section: Vol. 5. Historical and Grammatical Texts, commonly abbreviated as PBS 5. This work includes a collection of artifact sketches from expeditions done by the University of Pennsylvania between 1890 to 1899. The text contains sketches of clay cuneiform tablets with Sumerian inscriptions. Many myths, hymns, and stories are referenced. Arno Poebel, a German Assyriologist who lived between 1881 and 1958, published the work. chrome_reader_mode Read now Associated works
Role: Editor
Role: Translator
Role: Contributor
CDLI:Wiki data for Arno Poebel
Arno Poebel has a dedicated entry page on CDLI:Wiki with the name 'Poebel, Arno.' Included data from this source may provide the person's name, date of birth, date of death, major works, obituaries, and compiler remarks.
About the CDLI:Wiki
- CDLI:Wiki Est. 2007expand_lessThe CDLI:Wiki is an extension of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) project. It provides useful information about cuneiform studies: lists of artifacts, scholar biographies, and a list of abbreviations related to Assyriology.
Record numbers
CDLI:Wiki ID | poebel_arno |
Cuneiformist profile
Name | Poebel, Arno |
Dates (life) | 26 January 1881 - 3 March 1958 |
Birthplace | Eisenach, Germany |
Specialization | Assyriology |
Major works | Babylonian Legal and Business Documents (BE 6/2), Philadelpia 1909 Die sumerischen Personennamen zur Zeit der Dynastie von Larsam und der ersten Dynastie von Babylon, Breslau 1910 Historical Texts (PBS 4/1), Philadelpia 1914 Historical and Grammatical Texts (PBS 5), Philadelphia 1914 Grammatical Texts (PBS 6/1), Philadelphia 1914 Grundzüge der sumerischen Grammatik, Rostock 1923 The Sumerian Prefix Forms e- and i- in the Time of the Earlier Princes of Lagash (AS 2), Chicago 1931 Das appositionell bestimmte Pronomen der 1. Pers. Sing. in den westsemitischen Inschriften und im Alten Testament (AS 3), Chicago 1932 Studies in Akkadian Grammar (AS 9), Chicago 1939 Miscellaneous Studies (AS 14), Chicago 1947 The Second Dynasty of Isin According to a New King-List Tablet (AS 15), Chicago 1955 |
Remarks | Fellow in Assyriology, University of Pennsylvania, 1905 PH.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1905/6 (H.V. Hilprecht) Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1911-1913 Associate professor, University of Rostock, 1919; full professor, 1925 Professor of Assyriology and Sumerology, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1930-1946 Editor, Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, 1933-1946 |
Obituaries | AfO 19 (1959-1960) 264-265 (E. Weidner), with photo |
Raw text
====== Poebel, Arno ======
[[Image: Poebel.jpg|thumb|200px]]
== Name ==
Poebel, Arno
== Dates ==
26 January 1881 - 3 March 1958
== Birthplace ==
Eisenach, Germany
== Specialization ==
== Major works ==
Babylonian Legal and Business Documents (BE 6/2), Philadelpia 1909 Die sumerischen Personennamen zur Zeit der Dynastie von Larsam und der ersten Dynastie von Babylon, Breslau 1910 Historical Texts (PBS 4/1), Philadelpia 1914 Historical and Grammatical Texts (PBS 5), Philadelphia 1914 Grammatical Texts (PBS 6/1), Philadelphia 1914 Grundzüge der sumerischen Grammatik, Rostock 1923 The Sumerian Prefix Forms e- and i- in the Time of the Earlier Princes of Lagash (AS 2), Chicago 1931 Das appositionell bestimmte Pronomen der 1. Pers. Sing. in den westsemitischen Inschriften und im Alten Testament (AS 3), Chicago 1932 Studies in Akkadian Grammar (AS 9), Chicago 1939 Miscellaneous Studies (AS 14), Chicago 1947 The Second Dynasty of Isin According to a New King-List Tablet (AS 15), Chicago 1955
== Remarks ==
Fellow in Assyriology, University of Pennsylvania, 1905 PH.D., University of Pennsylvania, 1905/6 (H.V. Hilprecht) Lecturer, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, 1911-1913 Associate professor, University of Rostock, 1919; full professor, 1925 Professor of Assyriology and Sumerology, Oriental Institute, University of Chicago, 1930-1946 Editor, Chicago Assyrian Dictionary, 1933-1946
== Obituaries ==
AfO 19 (1959-1960) 264-265 (E. Weidner), with photo
Record notes
About these data
Retrieval date | Apr. 19, 2020 |
Copyright | CDLI:Wiki @ UCLA |
Ernst Weidner. "Dem Gedächtnis der Toten." Archiv Für Orientforschung 19 (1959): 264–65.
Poebel, Arno. The University of Pennsylvania: The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian Section: Vol. IV. Historical Texts. Philadelphia, PA: The University Museum, 1914.
Poebel, Arno. The University of Pennsylvania: The University Museum Publications of the Babylonian Section: Vol. V. Historical and Grammatical Texts. Philadelphia, PA: The University Museum, 1914.