About Åke Waldemar Sjöberg
Åke Waldemar Sjöberg was a Swedish Assyriologist.
Biographical details
Basic information
person Full name | Åke Waldemar Sjöberg |
cake Date of birth | August 1, 1924 |
event_busy Date of death | August 8, 2014 |
CDLI:Wiki data help_outline
Core CDLI:Wiki data
Name | Sjöberg, Åke W. |
Dates (life) | 1 August 1924 - 8 August 2014 |
Specialization | Assyriology |
Top works
![]() | ![]() | |
Miscellaneous Sumerian Texts, II | ePSD: Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary | |
Journal article | Website | |
1977 | 2004 | |
Author | Contributor | |
More info | More info |
Authored works by Åke Waldemar Sjöberg

Miscellaneous Sumerian Texts, II: Journal of Cuneiform Studies 29, no. 1 (January 1977): 3–45 Journal article · Åke Waldemar Sjöberg · 1977
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Role: Editor
Role: Translator
Role: Contributor

ePSD: Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary: A Digital Dictionary of Sumerian Sponsored by the Penn Museum Website · Stephen John Tinney · 2004
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Åke Waldemar Sjöberg has a dedicated entry page on CDLI:Wiki with the name 'Sjöberg, Åke W..' Included data from this source may provide the person's name, date of birth, date of death, major works, obituaries, and compiler remarks.
About the CDLI:Wiki
- CDLI:Wiki Est. 2007expand_lessThe CDLI:Wiki is an extension of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI) project. It provides useful information about cuneiform studies: lists of artifacts, scholar biographies, and a list of abbreviations related to Assyriology.
Record numbers
CDLI:Wiki ID | sjoeberg_ake_w |
Cuneiformist profile
Name | Sjöberg, Åke W. |
Dates (life) | 1 August 1924 - 8 August 2014 |
Birthplace | Västmanland, Sweden |
Specialization | Assyriology |
Major works | to be entered |
Remarks | 1960 PhD, University of Heidelberg; 1963-1966: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago1966-1996 Clark Research Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Curator of the Tablet Collections of the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; 1994-2014: honorary doctor in Theology at Uppsala University |
Obituaries | to be entered |
Festschrift | Hermann Behrens, ed., Dumu-E2-Dub-Ba-A: Studies in Honor of Ake W. Sjoberg. Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, No. 11. 1989; second was published in 2013 |
Raw text
====== Sjöberg, Åke W. ======
== Name ==
Sjöberg, Åke W.
== Dates ==
1 August 1924 - 8 August 2014
== Birthplace ==
Västmanland, Sweden
== Specialization ==
== Major works ==
to be entered
== Remarks ==
1960 PhD, University of Heidelberg; 1963-1966: Oriental Institute, University of Chicago
1966-1996 Clark Research Professor, University of Pennsylvania, Curator of the Tablet Collections of the University Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology; 1994-2014: honorary doctor in Theology at Uppsala University
== Festschrift ==
Hermann Behrens, ed., Dumu-E2-Dub-Ba-A: Studies in Honor of Ake W. Sjoberg. Occasional Publications of the Samuel Noah Kramer Fund, No. 11. 1989; second was published in 2013
== Obituaries ==
to be entered
Record notes
About these data
Retrieval date | Apr. 19, 2020 |
Copyright | CDLI:Wiki @ UCLA |
Sjöberg, Åke W. "Miscellaneous Sumerian Texts, II." Journal of Cuneiform Studies 29, no. 1 (January 1977): 3–45.
Tinney, Stephen J. "ePSD: Electronic Pennsylvania Sumerian Dictionary." Philadelphia, PA: Penn Museum, 2004. Created May 2004. Accessed September 3, 2022. http://psd.museum.upenn.edu/nepsd-frame.html.