White is a basic mythological symbol categorized under Color. It depicts the visual perception of objects like polar bears, teeth, and extremely bright light. The hexadecimal color code for White is #ffffff. In the RGB color space, its Red-Green-Blue distribution is 100% red, 100% green, and 100% blue.
According to Canva: White is an achromatic color, meaning it is a color without a hue. It has been a staple of art, history, and culture for many eras. In fact, it is recorded as the first color ever used in art, with Paleolithic artists using white calcite and chalk to draw. Throughout much of history, white has been elected as a symbol of goodness, spirituality, purity, godliness, and sacredness. Ancient Egyptian gods, Greek gods, Roman goddesses were all depicted as clad in white to symbolize their deity. White is considered the symbolic opposite of black, with the two colors together forming symbols of good and evil, night and day, light and dark, etc. In Western cultures, white is the classic color of wedding dresses, symbolizing innocence and purity, whereas in many Asian cultures white is the color of mourning, grief, and loss. The hex code for white is #FFFFFF.
Features of the White symbol
Color Symbol category |
#ffffff Hexadecimal color code |
100% red, 100% green, 100% blue Red-Green-Blue (RGB) distribution |
Derivations of the White symbol
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Uses of the White symbol
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